Hemorrhoidsare veins located in the anal area and carry dirty blood to the main system. It is also known by names such as hemorrhoids and yeast among the public. Under normal conditions, it also acts as a cushion and ensures that the anus remains closed during rest. As a result of the enlargement and varicose veins of these veins for various reasons, a condition called "hemorrhoidal disease" occurs.
The biggest reason for the formation of Hemorrhoids is the increased pressure in this area. The reason for this is chronic constipation or diarrhea attacks. Long periods of time in the toilet and excessive straining during the toilet are responsible for this pressure. Apart from this, the cause of hemorrhoids, especially in women, is pregnancy and birth. During pregnancy, the child's pressure on the pelvis and the vessels there disrupts the return of blood. This is why hemorrhoids increase as pregnancy progresses. Also, straining during birth causes a large increase in pressure and bleeding. Apart from this, people living a sedentary, sedentary life disrupts the functioning of the intestinal system and causes chronic constipation. Hemorrhoids are more common in some occupational groups. Especially drivers and pilots are candidates for this. Another cause of hemorrhoids is alcohol habit. Alcohol is an agent that causes vasodilatation
. In addition, liver disease called cirrhosis is more common in alcoholics. This is one of the diseases that most commonly causes hemorrhoids. Finally, tumors seen in the pelvic area and colon cancers also cause hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids are considered at 4 degrees. 1st and 2nd degree hemorrhoids are internal hemorrhoids. Their only symptom is bleeding. There is generally no mass coming out. Third degree hemorrhoids come out from time to time and can be pushed in manually after defecation. 4th degree hemorrhoids are always outside. They don't come in. The main symptom in these is bleeding. In 3rd and 4th degree external hemorrhoids, in addition to bleeding, complaints such as pain, palpable swelling in the anus, discharge and wetness in the anus, and itching may be observed.
Pain is very severe in cases of thrombosed hemorrhoids. If the thrombus is not removed early, the patient will experience throbbing pain. Additionally, anal fissure and peri-anal abscess should be excluded in the diagnosis.
Diagnosis is generally easy. Packets are visible in external hemorrhoids. Examination with an anoscope is essential for 1st and 2nd degree hemorrhoids. A bleeding vein is seen. Necessary office treatment can be performed at the same time. Examinations are generally performed in the knee-elbow position and on the proctology table. Colonoscopy should be performed in bleeding patients who are over the age of 40 and have a family history of cancer. It should always be kept in mind that there may be underlying colon cancer.
The most important issue in treatment is to eliminate constipation. After this is taken care of, 1st and 2nd degree hemorrhoids are treated with methods called laser precipitation, band ligation and THD, which are called office treatments. Surgical treatment is generally used for grade 4 hemorrhoids.
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