What is Hemorrhoids and Why Does It Happen?

Hemorrhoids are cushions located inside the anal canal, containing blood vessels and muscle fibers. Every normal, healthy individual already has hemorrhoidal cushions in the anal canal, and they help the anal canal to close completely while at rest. In situations that increase intra-abdominal pressure, such as excessive straining, hard stools, or pregnancy, these structures swell and cause hemorrhoid disease and complaints.


. Pain in the anus

.Bleeding in the anus

.Palpable swelling in the anus

.Itching in the anus



Hemorrhoid treatment Medical-drug treatment is divided into 3 as non-surgical interventions and surgical treatment:


 1.Medication: Stool softener-constipation relieving tablets and syrups, painkillers to reduce pain in the anus. Pomades, suppositories and creams specific to hemorrhoid treatment, and oral medications are available. Appropriate medications are prescribed by your doctor depending on the patient's complaints, duration and stage of the disease.


2.Non-surgical interventions


.Elastic. Band ligation: It can be applied in outpatient clinic conditions without requiring anesthesia. It can only be applied to early stage internal hemorrhoids. It is useless for external hemorrhoids and advanced internal hemorrhoids.:


. Sclerotherapy: It is applied to bleeding 1st-2nd and some 3rd degree hemorrhoids under outpatient clinic conditions.

.H laser: Processing time is 5-15 minutes. It is a comfortable procedure for the patient. There is little or no postoperative pain. The patient's return to social life is very rapid. It is more expensive than other methods. It is not applied to advanced stage hemorrhoids, thrombosed-infected hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. Its use is limited to stage 1-2 internal hemorrhoids and some stage 3 hemorrhoids.


3.Surgical interventions: Correct patient selection is very important when making surgical decisions in hemorrhoid patients. Unnecessary surgical procedures should be avoided in patients who are likely to benefit from drug therapy. Surgical treatment option, as much as possible, offers the chance of treatment with knifeless methods such as laser-sclerotherapy-rubber band ligation, which do not benefit from medical treatment. It should be applied to advanced stage hemorrhoid patients who have lost their health.


The most important point to remember is that hemorrhoids are a disease that requires lifestyle changes. Fighting constipation, toilet training and dietary changes are the most important elements of treatment. As long as the patient's constipation continues, the results of both medical and surgical treatment will not be at the expected level.


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