Traumatic events are events that threaten a person's vital and bodily integrity, loved ones, and belief system. Even one of these four threats can speak of psychological trauma. Events such as natural disasters, war, terrorism, sudden illnesses, deaths, job loss, sexual abuse, harassment, violence, traffic accidents can be given as examples of traumatic events.
Some of the reactions encountered after a traumatic event are as follows:
Avoiding: The person avoids his/her feelings and thoughts about the trauma, and at the same time, he/she is disconnected from his/her environment.
Reexperiencing: The person may experience the stressful event as if it is happening again with a smell, sound or image that reminds him of the stressful event. Depending on the shock, the person shows hyperarousal reactions such as heart palpitations, shaking and sweating of the hands, and attention problems.
Apart from all these, the individual may show intense depressive symptoms. Extreme restlessness, changes in eating and sleeping, irritability, and feelings of guilt may also occur.
Each person is unique. For this reason, the traumatic event does not always cause "trauma". We cannot say that a person is experiencing a severe trauma just because he or she has experienced a traumatic event.
In what situations should professional help be sought?
If you don't remember the event that happened to you,
If you tend to use alcohol and similar substances to get rid of disturbing memories of the event,
If you feel emotionally petrified, unresponsive and dull,
If you feel sudden outbursts of anger, extreme restlessness and helplessness
If the same thoughts are constantly circulating in your mind
If you do the same movements repeatedly,
If you notice that your will for life has decreased, you cannot make plans for the future, and you have suicidal thoughts
If you have sleeping and eating problems,
If you experience sudden startle and extreme anxiety
The most if a month has passed since the last event, and at the end of that one month the above still persists.
If these experiences cause your relations with work, family, school, social environment to deteriorate
You should consult a professional.
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