Male Facial Aesthetics

Face lift procedures are performed less frequently on men than on women. The main reason for this is that the aging process is tolerated more easily by men. However, the aging process may be more evident in some skin types, and in this case, some surgical or non-surgical rejuvenating procedures may be required. After the operation performed under general anesthesia, you stay in the hospital for 1 night and are discharged in the morning after the drains are removed. Chin Tip Aesthetics Intervention on the chin tip can significantly improve the appearance, especially from the profile. If the chin is smaller than it should be and there is excess fat in the neck, the chin can be buried even more. In this case, we make the chin more prominent by doing some liposuction on the neck (jowl) and removing excess fat. If this is not enough, we apply fat injection to the tip of the chin with fats taken from the patient's own body, the deformity is severe. If this is too much, ready-made implants come to our rescue. Eyelid Aesthetics Our eyelids and their surrounding areas are generally the places where the signs of aging are first seen on our face. There is excess skin on the upper eyelids. As the sagging increases, a feeling of heaviness occurs on the eyelids. Trying to raise the eyebrow without realizing it may cause a headache. Your eyes start to look smaller than they are. Upper eyelid surgery is a 45-minute surgery performed with sedation and you are discharged 2 hours after the surgery. The most common complaint in the lower eyelids is bagging. As the very thin membrane in front of the fat pads that allow our eyes to move easily becomes loose, these fats herniate forward and cause bags. Patients complain of looking older and tired than they actually are. Patients with lower eyelid laxity and herniation are often accompanied by upper eyelid sagging, and the upper and lower eyelids are usually operated on together. Ear Aesthetics Protruding ears are a little more troublesome for men. While girls can somehow camouflage themselves with their hair, unfortunately men do not have such a chance. But let's not forget that each ear should be slightly open and the ears should be visible when viewed from the front. We operate when they are above certain anatomical angles and proportions. By the age of 6, 80-90% of the development of our ear is completed. Therefore, prominent ear surgery can be performed at any age after the age of 6. The operation, which can be performed with sedation or general anesthesia, takes approximately 2 hours.

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