Temporomandibular joint (Jaw Joint) is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. Jaw joint diseases concern the jaw bones that make up the joint, the cartilage disc of the joint and the masticatory muscles. Although it is seen in a very large part of the society, it mostly affects female patients. Patients with jaw joint disorders are usually between the ages of 20 and 40.
Treatment of diseases related to the jaw joint and jaw muscles is one of the fields of activity of Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Tempromandibular joint (TMJ) is one of the most mobile joints between the temporal cavity (mandibular fossa) and the temporal bone nodule (mandibular condyle) located just in front of the external auditory canal where the lower and upper jaw meet.
The jaw joint is located just in front of the ear at the junction of the lower and upper jaws and is a complex structure consisting of the jawbone, muscles, cartilage structures, ligaments (rubbery connective tissues that restrict the jaw's over-opening). Thanks to the contraction and relaxation of the jaw muscles and the simultaneous movement of the jaw joint, the mouth opens and closes, the person can talk, chew something, and yawn.
Some of the Causes of Jaw Joint Disorders
Teeth grinding, grinding, lip biting , nail biting, long-term chewing habits
Excessive fatigue of the jaw muscles, excessive strength gain (As a result of Bruxism)
Long Dental treatments that cause the mouth to remain open for a long time
Excessive opening and strain of the jaw while administering general anesthesia
Habit of chewing food unilaterally
Chewing only in certain areas due to missing lower and upper jaw teeth
The lower and upper teeth are not in harmony with each other (Dental crowding)
Structurally inconsistent of the mandibular and maxilla relations (Skeletal disorders)
Incorrectly applied, incompatibility, height dental fillings and porcelain prostheses with problems such as
E Impacts, injuries and accidents affecting the
Sitting with an arm on the chin that puts pressure on the jaw joint
Lying on an incompatible high or low pillow pressure on the lower jaw joint
Some systemic diseases
Psychological disorders
Some of the Symptoms of Jaw Joint Disorders
Teeth-clenching and grinding and related Pain in the jaw area or cheeks, especially when waking up in the morning
Pressure and pain radiating from the jaw joint to the ear, neck, teeth, even nose and eyes
Insufficient jaw movements (inability to fully open the jaw, jaw creaking when opening the mouth, snagging, clicking sound, opening by sliding to one side)
Yawning and/or eating Painful and difficult opening of the mouth while eating
Difficulty biting and/or taking a bite with the front teeth while eating, pains
Constant or sometimes there are differences in the closure of the teeth (when the teeth are closed, there is a distance between the upper jaw and the lower jaw, a regular closure cannot be achieved by coinciding the lower and upper teeth),
Pain and pain in the face feeling of tiredness, swelling
Teeth become sensitive, wear, breakage and/or wobble.
Examination Methods
Taking a detailed history from the patient about joint complaints
Teeth and closure system examination
Examination of chewing muscles
Examination of the jaw joint
Some auxiliary tests can be used together with the examination to diagnose jaw joint disorders. In addition, conventional or computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging can be used.
The most important point in the examination phase is to determine the underlying factor of the jaw joint discomfort.
As a matter of fact, almost all treatments, except surgical interventions, are symptomatic targeted) treatments.
Treatment of TMJ
Treatment of Symptoms
Treatment of the underlying cause
Removal of predisposing factors
Treatment of pathological effects
Treatment Options
Patient education and preventive treatment
Splint therapy
Medication therapy
BOTOX applications to chewing muscles
Physical therapy
Psychiatric support
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Advanced treatments in delayed cases (Surgery etc.)
The main purpose of the treatment is the jaw joint It is to regulate the pressure inside and to provide normal jaw functions. For treatment of jaw joint disorders, correction of regional factors causing discomfort (necessary dental treatments), dental plaque application to eliminate excessive forces on the jaw joint, intra-articular injections called arthrocentesis in disc-related disorders can be applied.
The use of orthopedic appliances (splint) is also among the available treatment methods. At this point, it is very important for the patient to take certain precautions, follow the recommendations and protect himself.
The points that the patient should comply with during treatment can be listed as follows;
Protect your teeth well, take care of your oral and dental health,
Pay attention to the jaw position,
Prefer soft foods,
Do not chew gum,
Avoid biting hard foods with the front teeth ,
Should not open the mouth opening more than a certain amount, should support the chin (eg while yawning)
Do the jaw exercises recommended by the physician,
Must comply with medical treatment for pain,
Take her medication regularly,
If applied, the splint should be fitted regularly with absolute fidelity.
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