What Does Family and Marriage Therapy Give You?

1-)If you have problems in your marriage that disturb you and your spouse, despite all your efforts, consulting a marriage therapist may be the most important step you can take for a solution.

2-)It is a very important step for couples who have harmony, adjustment and communication problems in their marriage to discuss the issue sincerely. Often couples cannot achieve this alone. Marriage and family therapies are arrangements aimed at helping spouses to eliminate problems that they cannot solve despite all their efforts.

3-)When problems come to the fore in a couple's life, the couple tends to tell their marital problems to close relatives and families without realizing it at first. When both spouses explain the problems to their own families, it causes the problem to grow further and even become permanent in some cases. In the family environment, everyone has to act emotionally and defend their own child and take sides. Arguments and accusatory conversations further reinforce the problems. It is a much healthier way for couples to consult an impartial family and marriage therapist and proceed under his guidance.

4-)By applying to a family marriage therapist, couples have the opportunity to see more clearly their relationship, their position within the relationship, and their own contributions to the occurrence and solution of the problem, under the supervision of an impartial person. The family and marriage therapist can see you and your relationship objectively and help you see them objectively, too.

5-)When conflicts that arise in marriage continue for a long time, they cause emotional and social problems in people. A family therapist senses how the spouses perceive the problems, with what feelings and thoughts one spouse reacts to the other, and informs both spouses about this. During the therapy period, each party will be able to understand their behavior and the impact of these behaviors on the other party, and develop a more harmonious attitude and attitude in which they will both feel understood, loved and respected within the relationship. It can guide them in improving their behaviour.

6-)A marriage and family therapist explains to the spouses that the problems in the marriage are not the problem of one of the couples, but a joint problem of the couple, and that both of them need to strive for a solution. It can shed light on the couple.

7-)Marriage therapist can prevent the marital relationship from getting worse by helping couples understand each other more objectively, breaking the patterns of misunderstanding and wrong interaction that lead to unnecessary arguments, accusations and disagreements.

8-)While a family and marriage therapist works on problems such as trauma and depression in only one of the spouses, he or she can also guide the other spouse to eliminate the problem as soon as possible by getting the support of the other spouse.

9-) A family and marriage therapist can guide you in solving your existing problems and show you that you are a couple that works very well as a team. This guides you to be more resilient and prepared in future life events that the marriage ship crashes into.

Family and Marriage Therapy:

Divorce was prohibited before the industrial revolution. Marriage expectations were correspondingly low. Low marriage expectations  seemed to ensure family stability.

The social relationships and institutions of the Middle Ages met most of the social and emotional needs of the individual and supported the family. With the industrial revolution, the idea of ​​individualism developed rapidly and became accepted. This idea of ​​individualism was also reflected in marital relationships. After the industrial revolution, families were forced to meet their own demands within themselves, relying on themselves. While this change increased the bonds of love and affection between family members, it also caused radical changes in the relational expectations between spouses. Now, after the industrial revolution, the concepts of romantic love and friendship between spouses, the individual's realization of personal pleasure, individual autonomy and moments of personal development have come before the well-being of the whole family. The balance shifting in this direction is marriage&nb Sp; has increased the expectations of the spouses from each other even more. In this regard, the new idea of ​​marriage has become a hot topic in the world.

In the new idea of ​​marriage, family is a safe haven, a place of consolation, a sanctuary that offers comfort, good living standards, that is, the opportunity to live perfectly. This inevitably caused similar psychological and emotional demands on families and family members.

The profit-driven economy of the twentieth century led to increased pressure on the family. These expectations exceeded the capacity of men and women. This led to stress and disappointment in marriages and decreased marital satisfaction.

Marriage therapy or couple therapy is applied to marital problems that arise as a result of the couple's interactions with each other. Family therapy is applied against problems that arise as a result of the interaction of family members, including parents and their children or other family members.

The couple relationship between two people is alive. It should be given this due importance. In couple therapy, the marital relationship is thoroughly examined both structurally and in content. Sometimes couples may have been married or living together for 3-5 years. But the couple relationship may still not be established. For this reason, in couple therapy, a brief history of the relationship, starting from how the couple met and how they got married, the aspects of their relationship that do not satisfy them and the aspects that please them, their interaction patterns, their dreams of marriage, their expectations from marriage, what their current marital problems are, are examined and solutions are sought.

Marriage problems are complex. Sometimes it is due to the individual dynamics of the person, sometimes due to the mismatch of marriage expectations, sometimes due to the desires and needs of one or both spouses not being met, sometimes due to the original family life experiences, family life crises (illness, economic loss, birth of the baby, chronic illness), but most of all due to the interaction between the couple. and is met by not having their desires and needs met within the relationship. The equations of dominance and submission, taking and giving in a relationship are the main components of a relationship. Swinging on a seesaw can only be a movement If we are in a mood, if we are going up and down, it is enjoyable. If the imbalance between the weights is high, one always stays up and the other stays down, there is no point in playing the game and the game ends automatically. In a relationship, partners need to be emotionally nourished. In short, in a relationship, both partners want to be able to determine from time to time and have the feeling of being able to connect with the other party. In a couple relationship, partners should be able to easily transition between influencing and influencing roles when the time comes.

Happiness in the marriage relationship depends on establishing the balance between giving and receiving. When one party gives, the other party must also give in order for balance to be restored. In this way, the couple relationship will deepen in parallel with the intensity of mutual giving and receiving. When one partner refuses to give or receive, the relationship will be out of balance.

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