Ways to end Monday syndrome

Perception management in Monday syndrome…

Monday syndrome is a nightmare for many people, especially in school and business life. It is important to distinguish whether this is a situation that can be overcome with some coping methods, or whether it is a situation that can negatively affect the functionality of the person's life and requires serious intervention.

The person begins to feel its effects starting from Sunday. Sunday heralds the new week to begin, and some people perceive this situation as busy schedule, stress, traffic and fatigue rather than good news. The fact that the weekend is over can create tension in a person. The reason for this feeling of tension is the meaning a person attaches to Monday. Our negative thoughts are reflected in our emotions and behaviors.

Not everyone will experience Monday syndrome. When we look at people who experience Monday syndrome, these people generally either do not like their job, have a problem with the environment in which they work, or do not know themselves well enough. Knowing oneself and being aware of one's own processes improves one's ability to cope with situations. People who are able to focus on the moment, have good stress coping mechanisms, and know themselves well do not experience Monday syndrome.

Another reason why Monday syndrome occurs is due to the meaning a person attaches to that day. Making decisions to change one's life every Monday (such as starting a diet or exercising) may pave the way for an increase in the stress level of that day.

In order to get rid of Monday syndrome, it is important for the person to first gain awareness about this perception. The person asks himself, “What is happening to me that I am experiencing such a syndrome? What could be the factors that make me feel this way? What do I need to change about my negative perception of that day?” It is important to ask questions like: We cannot change the outcome of anything that we do not know the cause of. For this reason, it is important to first find the cause of the syndrome experienced.

After identifying the negative factors for the syndrome, it is necessary to evaluate the positive factors.

In order to cope with the tension that started on Sunday, it is important to focus on the moment.

It will be useful to prioritize activities that give you pleasure on Sunday. Same Doing brisk walking, breathing and relaxation exercises for 20 minutes every day will positively affect your stress level in the long term. However, not paying attention to the circadian rhythm can trigger Monday syndrome in a person. By losing sleep during the week, we try to make up for it on the weekend. In this case, it disrupts the biological rhythm. More sleep makes us feel more tired at the beginning of the week, and this affects our Monday more than other days.

If the syndrome has been going on for a long time and has negatively affected your functionality in your life, I definitely recommend you to get expert support.

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