Our nails are the protective coverings of the tips of our hands and feet. It consists of a hard durable protein called keratin.
Fingernails grow 3.5 mm per month, and toenails grow 1.6 mm per month. Nail growth depends on age, months and structure. Nails grow faster in the summer months.
Nail growth in women is slower than in men, except during pregnancy.
Nail growth is affected by illness, nutrition, medications, trauma, chronic diseases, fever and age.
Nail problems:
Approximately 10 percent of dermatological diseases are nail diseases.
Nails reveal your general health condition. Color change or thickening of the nails indicates health problems. These include liver diseases, kidney diseases, heart and lung problems, anemia and diabetes. Color change in nails, deterioration in shape, thickness, bleeding at the nail edges, pain, and discoloration are symptoms of nail diseases.
Fungal infections constitute 50 percent of nail diseases. Toenails are more visible on the feet because they are more affected by environmental conditions. In addition, skin cancers, which we call melanoma, can rarely develop from the nail bed and are confused with traumatic bleeding. You should consult a dermatologist when you see dark changes and lines in the nail bed.
White spots may occur after nail damage.
Red lines under the nail may occur due to trauma, medications and diseases.
Bacterial infections can occur due to injury, poor hygiene, biting nails, and constant exposure to water.
Nails that cannot grow are caused by tics that cause nail trauma, tight shoes, and digestive problems.
For nails to be healthy:
Clean care of nails is a priority. Make sure your nails are short and clean. Cutting your nails straight and parallel to the center ensures healthy growth. If the toenails are thick and difficult to cut, soak the feet in warm salt water for 10 minutes and apply creams with urea and salicylic acid. These processes soften the nails and make them easier to cut.
Your nails will be thin and gray. Moisturize them to prevent them from being prone to peeling.
It is necessary to wear suitable shoes, tight shoes lead to nails that do not grow.
Do not bite your nails. Biting your nails transfers bacteria from your mouth to your hands. It also paves the way for infection through tissue damage.
Nail problems can be common in people with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Such patients should be checked by a dermatologist.
In many beauty salons, hygiene rules are followed, but when having a manicure-pedicure, you should still pay particular attention to whether it is sterile. You should use your own manicure-pedicure set because infection transmission occurs very frequently in shared use. Do not cut or bite the cuticle. This may cause infection and damage the nail bed.
Acetone dries the nails, so it is necessary to use it sparingly.
If you have an allergic reaction to nail cosmetics or itching and burning, consult your dermatologist.
Fake nails can cause fungal infection or deterioration of the underlying nail.
In order for your nails to be shiny and healthy, you should pay attention to your diet. Zinc and calcium are beneficial for nails. Consumption of protein, fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish and eggs is beneficial for nails. Apples, asparagus, brown rice, cucumber, garlic, grapes, liver, nuts, onions, salmon, seeds, soy, tuna and whole grains are also beneficial for your nails.
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