The Effect of Maternal Anxiety on Baby Sleep

When the word "sleep" is said, the feeling that arouses for each of us is different. We can briefly call sleep as resting, finding peace and getting ready for the next day.

In fact, sleep, which should fulfill the same functions for all of us, can turn into a challenging situation for some of us.

Based on this, how much We can conclude that we are variable and unique to ourselves.

This situation is the same for our babies, and the situation may even get a little more complicated for them.

Sleep for the baby should represent a safe environment as well as resting. It should be so that your baby can fall asleep soundly.

The biggest condition in providing this safe environment is mostly mother-baby bonding. Your babies try to live by copying your mood for a part of their lives. In short, whatever the mother feels, the baby feels the same emotions to a certain extent. Even if the mother thinks that she is controlling herself with the child, most of the time, the situation does not progress in this way. Your baby even understands the difference from your tone of voice to your touch. This interprets what they understand.

In this case, it brings us to the anxious mother - anxious baby dilemma. The biggest obstacle in providing the safe environment we mentioned at the beginning is mostly anxiety.

Anxious baby has difficulty falling asleep, does not want to leave the mother's side during the day, and thus becomes closed to exploring and wondering. Because when the mother is anxious, the baby's consciousness develops that there is something to not trust and fear in the environment.

Of course, no mother does this on purpose, but this is a point we frequently encounter. Every mother strives for her child to live in the best conditions. Sometimes this preoccupation can cause anxiety in the mother. So it's literally a vicious circle...

The mother gets worried as she tries to do the best for her baby. The baby, on the other hand, becomes more restless as the mother worries.

In sleeps, this situation manifests itself as inability to fall asleep, waking up frequently, supported (sucking, rocking, etc.). Many mothers become even more anxious when trying to fix this situation. 'Cause baby Not sleeping means you don't sleep too. As the days go by like this, the mother gets tired and her level of tolerance decreases.

Trying to get support before things get to this point is very important.

The counseling we call sleep counseling does not only work on baby sleep. In general, he works with many details such as the life of the baby, the life of the mother, the mental state of the mother and the baby. We can call it mother in the first place.

Do not stay away from seeking help when you feel that you are having difficulties.

I wish the best for your baby and you...

Psychological Counselor Dilara Açıkgöz

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