Grief and Mourning After Loss

Human life sometimes has difficult periods. Losses in your life and holding on to life again after loss is one of the most important life crises. Although the phenomenon of death is what usually comes to mind when loss is mentioned, our losses in our lives are not limited to the phenomenon of death alone. For example, getting divorced, breaking up with a lover, changing or leaving a job, changing city or country, or even moving from one district to another is felt as a loss in the human soul.
Of course, the heaviest among these losses are the traces left by the loss caused by death.
/> The post-loss period consists of crisis and mourning periods.
This process; It is not a short process that is completed within a week or two after the loss and envisages returning to work and daily life in a short time, as it is defined as "being strong", especially in today's western societies. The process after loss is a period that has various stages and each stage expresses the traces left by the loss on the human soul. According to experts; The healthy post-loss process takes at least 4 to 6 months to complete, and can take up to two years depending on the person's psychological defenses against the loss. The first phase of this process is the "crisis period" in which the feeling of "grief" dominates, and this period consists of successive processes. The first of these is that our body gives physical reactions to loss. Reactions such as freezing, having difficulty understanding what is happening, being detached from external reality, being shocked, screaming and crying fall into this phase. The second phase is the denial period. It is the period of thinking that the loss experienced is not real and not believing that we have lost. This period is more common especially after unexpected events such as sudden death or sudden losses. The third period is the bargaining phase. In the face of loss, a person wants to take back the time and change the events just before the loss. This is the period when we become angry at the lover who left us or the person who died, for leaving us behind and leaving us. And then the crisis period gives way to the "mourning period" where the loss turns into acceptance. After going through these processes in a healthy way, we will have good luck for our irreparable losses such as death. We remember by holding commemoration ceremonies in the past periods. Getting stuck at any stage in getting over these processes and not being able to get over this period prevents the completion of the mourning process. It virtually imprisons the person in an endless feeling of sadness. The greater the meaning of your loss in your inner world and the fact that you have not received any psychological support in case of loss; It is likely that your mourning process will not end and you will often find yourself in a feeling of grief.
It may not be easy for a person to go through a healthy mourning process, especially in cases of sudden and unexpected death, abandonment, loss of job and reputation. Receiving professional psychological support in such life crises will make it easier for you to accept your loss and continue life where you left off, after experiencing and exhausting your grief.

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