Nutrition is important in every period of life. Nutritional needs differ at every age, so it would be more accurate to consider the nutrition of infancy, childhood, school-age children and adolescents separately. Proper nutrition habits are shaped and developed by an individual's family habits during childhood. Children grow up as reflections of their parents, so we should set an example for children and encourage them to adopt a healthy, adequate and balanced diet. Maintaining physical and mental performance at the highest level throughout the day is possible by consuming snacks and main meals regularly. Therefore, meals should not be skipped. It is most appropriate to consume daily foods in 3 main meals and 2 snacks.
For a healthy diet, children should consume foods from the four food groups in sufficient quantities and in a balanced manner.
Milk, yoghurt, buttermilk in the dairy group; Care should be taken to consume sufficient amounts of foods such as whole grains, high-fiber breads, bulgur, and whole-wheat pasta in meals, instead of meat, chicken, fish, eggs, legumes, vegetables and fruits, and refined grains in the meat group.
School age children should get the calcium necessary for the development of bone and dental health, especially from animal-derived proteins. In addition, consumption of milk and dairy products is very important for a strong immune system, development of nerve and muscle functions, blood clotting and the activity of enzymes that convert food into energy. The amount of calcium that children between the ages of 6-10 should take daily is approximately 1000 mg.
1 glass of milk = 240mg
1 glass of yoghurt = 180 mg
30 g of white cheese (1 matchbox )=70mg
30 gr cheddar cheese (1 matchbox) contains )=230mg calcium. Therefore, consuming one portion of these amounts during the day for children in this age group will meet most of their calcium needs.
Meat group is your important food group for maintaining a healthy body structure and maintaining vital functions flawlessly. Especially in children, muscle tissue should not be formed. � and provides protection. This group includes foods such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs and legumes. School-age children should consume at least 3-4 portions of these foods, that is, approximately 100 g of meat or chicken or fish and 1 egg daily. Eggs are the best source of protein and also have good iron and calcium mineral content. If there is no such thing as an allergy, consuming eggs every day or every other day will be healthy for this age group.
Another group is bread and bread substitute cereal group. Foods in this group are the body's best energy sources. They are foods rich in fiber and B vitamins. It is necessary to consume it without exceeding the energy needs during the day.
We meet the vitamins, minerals and fiber needs of our body from vegetables and fruits. Consuming seasonal fruits during snacks in the daily diet will strengthen children's immune system and prevent them from getting sick, as they are rich in vitamins. Although not all the time, freshly squeezed fruit juices can be consumed occasionally when fruit cannot be eaten. However, if you constantly give the juice instead of the fruit itself, this may trigger the possibility of insulin resistance in children over time, as it will increase blood sugar rapidly. Apart from this, it is correct that our children should not consume ready-made fruit juices sold in the market because they are unnatural and have high sugar content.
In addition to fresh fruits, dried fruits (dried apricots, dried figs, raisins, prunes, blueberries, etc.) not only provide energy but also meet the sweet needs of school-age children. In this way, the tendency of children who are fond of foods containing simple sugars such as chocolate and ice cream to these foods decreases. In addition, dried fruits contain vitamins, minerals (iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus) and plenty of fiber that support the immune system. Thanks to the iron they contain, they also help hemoglobin production. However, great attention should be paid to the quantities for consumption by children. These dried fruits can be consumed with nuts. But both dried fruits and nuts should be consumed in small amounts, as excessive consumption will cause weight gain. Eat a different nut every day, especially nuts with high nutritional value such as hazelnuts, almonds and walnuts. It will be healthy to consume it.
Water consumption should not be neglected during the day, on average, they should consume 2-2.5 liters of water per day (that is, 6-8 glasses of water).
In the studies carried out, every day in a fun way. Children who eat breakfast have shown improvements in their energy and mood, higher scores on tests and exams, fewer absences, and less problems with their weight. That's why it's so important for children to have a breakfast consisting of healthy choices every day when they go to school. Our breakfast choices are definitely It should consist of healthy foods such as cheese, milk, eggs and whole wheat bread, not foods with high carbohydrate and fat content such as pastries and bagels.
Children's diets should include foods containing additives, unnatural ready-made foods and fast foods (hamburgers). , pizza, etc.) should be ensured. Try to make these types of foods at home and eat them not too often. In addition to nutrition, children should definitely be interested in sports in terms of healthy body development.
It is important to know that eating habits for a healthy and fit life begin in childhood. As I said at the beginning of my article, children grow up as reflections of their parents, so we should adopt a healthy, adequate and balanced diet as an example for children.
Suggestions for Families for Picky Eaters
1. Focus on a complete nutrition plan rather than specific foods.
2. Eat family meals regularly.
3. Eat more at home
4. Involve your children to help make meals or snacks.
5. Choose healthy snacks instead of empty-calorie snacks.
6. Limit portion sizes.
7. Limit sugar in your child's diet.
8. Offer a new food when your child is really hungry and resting.
9. Offer one type of new food at a time.
10. Make it fun; for example You can make it as a game or cut it into different shapes and present it.
11. Serve new foods with their favorite food to increase acceptance.
12. Taste a different type of food that you will give to your child first. will imitate you.
13. Let your child help you prepare meals.
14. Limit sugary drinks.
15. Limit snacks and snacks to 2 times a day.
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