The internet, one of today's largest mass media tools, and the social media it has brought, undoubtedly have effects on human psychology. Most of us cannot give up the internet; the internet has become a part of our daily lives in many areas. Social media has settled into our lives as factors that enter our daily lives with the internet and smartphones. It would not be wrong to say that social media networks, which change and develop at an incredible speed, have changed many behaviors and habits in people. For example. When we wake up in the morning, the first thing we usually do is email, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. It's about checking. Social media is now very effective on people's psychology and social life. Although we do not know its exact effects yet, research conducted every day continues to provide us with new information in this field. While some studies focus on the negative effects of social media, others talk about its positive effects.
Social media helps people find old friends, share with like-minded people, communicate with distant friends and relatives, and socialize in these ways. These are the positive effects of social media. However, there is also a danger here. Individuals' efforts to develop an identity and socialize in the virtual environment, often by breaking away from real life and relationships, can distract them from socializing and also allow them to develop feelings such as grudge, anger and hatred. Especially individuals who have difficulties in face-to-face relationships with their environment are more fond of social media. They are starting to prefer social platforms that include virtual games and time-wasting applications. People now share a photo, video, etc. on social networks instead of chatting face to face. They prefer to share. The age of social media usage is also quite low. Because of this situation, children are now more interested in PC, console and virtual games rather than street or park games. As can be seen, although social media has benefits in terms of socialization, it also has harms as a result of excessive use.
Difficulties in distinguishing between what is virtual and what is real is one of the biggest problems brought by virtual networks. Give yourself a new People who do not have the opportunity to build their self, to feel strong, to express themselves very well in normal life, find this opportunity thanks to social media and can use it as a tool to express themselves. However, the truth can often be the exact opposite.
The information that can be accessed quickly in social networks enables people to communicate with others quickly by pressing a few keys. In this way, people who prefer to spend more time sharing information in the virtual environment can distance themselves from the real social environment and people. Almost any information shared extremely quickly and intensively robs the brain of the time and satisfaction it devotes to socializing. It can lead to alienation from close relationships in real life. Instead of real relationships in daily life, virtual socialization meets this need. There are people of all ages, professions and personalities in social networking networks. Many people may actually choose to take part in virtual environments in search of a sense of belonging.
A few hours of internet use a day is normal nowadays. However, spending hours every day on sharing sites, fulfilling all your needs over the internet, and playing games very intensively are factors that will turn into addiction after a while. By realizing this, we can avoid this outcome.
It is very important not to ignore the positive aspects of technological developments, but also the negative aspects that affect people, and to raise awareness on this issue. For this reason, it is necessary to use social media when necessary and not disconnect from real communication. Because face-to-face communication and sharing is necessary for personal development. If virtual communication exceeds live communication, it is possible that your relationships will progress negatively. Conscious use of the internet and social media is very important in order not to miss life by losing touch with reality.
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