Why Do I Have Chronic Pain?

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Do you have health problems that you cannot find a solution to? Have you ever thought that there may be psychological reasons underlying these?

According to Parks, most chronic pain and unresolved health problems are caused by stress and anxiety. Many people with these troubles are unaware of their anxiety; have incomplete knowledge and skills in detecting, naming and describing emotions. The good news is that these skills can be acquired. If you have these problems, subject yourself to a brief evaluation. You can share your results with us.

If you do not think about what you feel in certain situations during the day, and when you think about it, you cannot describe your feelings. You may be facing "alexithymia".

Your lower back hurts. , imagine when you start to feel nauseous. Did all this start with stressful life events and changes that you could not control? (Job loss, pandemic, separation, etc.) Consider that lack of control causes anxiety.

Do you only talk about politics, football, business, recipes with your friends? If you build your friendships based on superficial activities and get together, you may not be going deep about what you feel.

Connection You become anxious when we cannot meet your basic needs such as independence, competence, and autonomy. If you are not aware of these needs, you may not realize the problems you experience when they are not met.

Being able to sleep, feeling good Or do you use alcohol or cigarettes to get rid of your pain? Maybe you think that spending more time in front of the television or the computer is good for you. Reexamine your thoughts and coping methods. in.

Life difficulties and unmet needs, as well as feelings that cannot be clearly expressed, cause chronic pain. it could be. If your emotional warning system, which detects daily life difficulties, is turned off, your brain may produce physical pain to warn you that something is wrong and attract your attention.

If you are experiencing these and similar problems, you may need to seek professional help.

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