SBS These days, when there are only a few days left, it is impossible not to see the excitement and stress of our children.
Well, this excitement and stress of our children Is it normal?
Does it need medical intervention?..
Let's answer it immediately; This excitement and stress is of course very normal and should be experienced. In order to achieve normal success, there must be normal doses of excitement and exam anxiety; Otherwise, adverse consequences may occur, such as tremendous indifference and not studying for the exam by considering it too simple and contemptible.
Excitement and stress experienced in normal doses do not require medical intervention. There is no need for parents to immediately panic about this issue and go from doctor to doctor for treatment, it is pointless. Well, well; When should we be worried about exam stress?... Here is the answer:
1-If you see unnecessary breaks, disruptions and introversion in your child's social relationships while preparing for the exam. such as having unexpected fights with friends, or suddenly breaking off all relationships and becoming introverted while being very friendly...)
2-Abnormalities are detected in eating habits and desires. (such as losing your appetite completely or, on the contrary, increasing it as much as possible...)
3-The opposite changes occur in the usual sleep pattern (like when he used to be a light sleeper, but he starts to get very heavy or vice versa...)
4-Although he wants to study, he cannot focus on the lesson as before and he falls asleep very quickly. boredom
5-Sudden anger and irritability in case of the slightest failure, under the psychological pressure of everyone that they will definitely be successful
6-Constant conflict and irritability with parents and siblings, if any…
We can extend this list further… These are generally valid for people who experience almost every exam stress to the extent of illness. If your child has at least 2 of the symptoms I have listed, It requires medical intervention. The best treatment option is acupuncture; It is drug-free, has no side effects and is permanently effective. The ideal time to start treatment is 1-1.5 months before the exam. An average of 10 sessions of treatment, 2 sessions per week, is generally sufficient. Side effects such as drowsiness and drowsiness caused by antidepressant drugs are definitely not observed. On the contrary, the person feels much more vigorous and dynamic. Since brain blood flow increases with acupuncture treatment, there is an increase in the brain's concentration capacity, memory and memory capacities. In this way, better concentration on the lesson, mental comfort and memory capacity increase.
In short, the best treatment for exam stress, which has reached the level of disease and has begun to upset the physiological and psychological balances of the person, is acupuncture treatment; It further increases a person's success.
Last word….Please tell your children: “You will definitely succeed, everyone says you are hardworking…” or Do not say words that will put your child under pathological stress, such as "If you cannot pass this exam, you will never be successful in life..." Do not push your children into illness with your hands...
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