Thread facelift is a non-surgical aesthetic solution. This procedure is also called thread face lift procedure.
What Problems Does Thread Face Lift Solve?
It solves problems such as low facial expression and excess skin appearance resulting from sagging.
How to Remove Wrinkles While Lifting the Face with Thread?
While the face is pulled up with threads, wrinkles are opened as the stretched skin is pulled in opposite directions and the problem in question is solved in this way.
How is Thread Face Lift Performed?
For thread face lift procedure, firstly the patient is examined and skin problems are detected. Depending on the degree of the problem
, how much rope will be used and at which points the hanging will be hung is determined. Then, the ropes are placed under the skin by the physician at points at the
discretion of the physician.
The skin surface is cleaned before the procedure. The patient is then laid on the procedure chair and the cannulas are placed under the skin. When the cannulas are placed under the skin, the threads inside the individual cannulas are pushed under the skin and the cannulas are slowly withdrawn from under the skin. This procedure is just like needling.
Is Pain Felt During the Procedure?
Since needles and cannulas are used in the procedure, a feeling of pain and pushing may be felt. For this reason, before the procedure
creams with local anesthesia function are applied to the application area, that is, the face area. After the excess cream is removed from the skin and the oily feeling is eliminated, the hanging function begins.
What is the Characteristic of the Ropes Used in Rope Hanging?
The ropes used are; There are two types: plain ropes and stringy ropes. These threads are called PDO Threads and do not cause any problems in people who do not experience allergic
Who Can Have a Face Lift with PDO Threads?
First of all, the patient must not have allergy problems. Although these threads are healthy and reliable
, there is a possibility of causing allergies under the skin. In addition, as it is dangerous in every procedure, it should not be applied to people who are in the process of hormonal change and drug treatment. The last criterion is that there must definitely be some sagging and aging on the patient's face. sagging question This procedure does not
provide a natural appearance on skin that does not have nude skin.
How Long Does This Procedure Take?
This Procedure is done in 35 minutes. However, with the effect time of the local anesthesia cream, the total time may
be close to 1 hour.
Is the Entire Hanging Procedure Done at Once?
Yes. All threads are placed in a single session, providing rejuvenation and tightening. An application section by section and session
session is unnecessary.
Is Thread Face Lift a Reversible Procedure?
If you are not satisfied with the application for any reason, the procedure is reversible and
/> The placed threads can be removed with a second operation.
Effect and Healing Process
The procedure performed is a procedure that has an immediate effect. Hanging and stretching show immediate success. The healing process
is simple. After the procedure, a slight redness and swelling occurs. These temporary side effects subside within 7 days
and the procedure becomes natural and begins to show its real aesthetic appearance.
What Appearance Will Be Created After the Procedure?
The degree of lift that can be achieved on your face is calculated and estimated by the doctor. The image
is reported to the patient. In the method where natural results are obtained and the treatment most appropriate to the degree of sagging is offered
confused, completely tense, unnatural results are not obtained.
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