Sense of Belonging at School

Sense of school belonging is the subjective feeling of the individual student regarding the extent to which he/she is approved, respected, included and supported by other individuals in the school. Sense of belonging refers to students' level of integration (or cohesion) with their friends and teachers at school. Studies indicate that continuity in the sense of belonging can be achieved in a school environment conducive to social, psychological and academic harmony.

Although the sense of belonging to school is important in all age groups, it is especially important during adolescence. is of great importance. Because, as Hamm and Faircloth point out, when individuals feel like they belong to a community, they feel important and can trust other community members. This sense of trust, nourished by the sense of belonging, is of particular importance in adolescence, both in daily social life and in school life. A sense of belonging can be a buffer and protective factor against the occurrence of negative psychosocial consequences such as depression and risky student behavior. For example; It has been determined that depression, social rejection and school problems decrease and the level of optimism increases in schools where the sense of belonging prevails. In addition, when adolescents are cared about by other people in their school and feel like a part of the school, they are less prone to undesirable behaviors such as substance use and resorting to violence. Lack of sense of belonging; It can lead to feelings of social isolation, alienation and loneliness. On the other hand, many studies have revealed that there are positive relationships between the sense of school belonging and motivation, academic success and self-efficacy. At school, students want to be accepted, loved and respected by their peers. A student who is not loved and accepted by his/her friends will feel unhappy and lonely. Yavuzer stated that a child's rejection or ridicule by peers can cause a major blow to the child's self-esteem and sense of confidence. In his study, Bowers found that children who are rejected by their peers suffer from psychological and social problems, such as dropping out of school, alcohol addiction, underemployment and unsuccessful marriages. It has also been determined that they are at high risk. According to Leonard, students who cannot develop peer relationships are prone to get involved in juvenile delinquencies, lead unhealthy, unhappy lives in adulthood, experience emotional problems and attempt suicide. However, students who are treated with respect by others are happier at school, are more satisfied with their experiences, and work harder to achieve their goals.

The feeling of connection, belonging, and acceptance is one of the most basic needs, especially in childhood and adolescence. . Positive interactions between teachers and peers contribute to students' feelings of belonging to school. For example; In their study, Perdue, Manzeske and Estell found that the quality of peer relationships, the support received from friends, and aggressive behavior towards friends were related to school commitment. As a result of their research, Özdemir, Sezgin, Şirin, Karip and Erkan (2010) found that students' feeling of belonging and connected to the school increased their confidence in the school and positive peer interaction. Students who spend a significant part of their time at school develop a sense of belonging to the school and their commitment to each other, making them feel happier, more peaceful and safer at school. In addition, these variables have a very important role in the academic, social and psychological development of students.

Based on this information, it can be said that measures should be taken in schools to improve students' sense of belonging to the school. In this regard, schools can be improved in terms of physical structure and equipment. In addition, increasing the number and quality of social and cultural events organized in schools can contribute to students feeling more belonging to their schools. In addition, in cooperation with guidance services in schools, studies can be carried out to recognize students who have communication problems with their teachers and friends and to solve the problems. Thus, the loyalty of these students to their teachers and friends can be increased.


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