You broke your diet for any reason. You are so sorry and so sorry. Especially if you weigh yourself, your motivation will increase.
First of all, you need to know that some cheating is normal while dieting, especially after a certain period of time. You cannot follow any program exactly from start to finish. This is against your social life and human characteristics. This is your most natural right. All you need to know is that every mistake can be made up for. As long as it is not done out of spite, deliberately or in vain. The best part is that you can turn the situation that seems like a problem when you break the diet to your advantage, reducing your feeling of guilt for breaking the diet and contributing to your weight loss. How?
If this cheating was for a single meal, for example, if you ate an extra calorie-rich food, the only thing you need to do is walk at a fast pace for 1 hour after this meal and forget about the cheating you had in the previous meal.
But only for a few days. There is a deterioration in the process and if you eat and regret it, you need to get out of this vicious circle.
First of all, leave aside the emotions that will demoralize you, such as regret and anger at yourself. These emotions are of no use to you. You have exercised your right to make mistakes. Think of it as the right to be absent while going to school. Remember, failing is due to absence. If you make up for the days you missed, there is no problem. The disadvantage of breaking your diet is that the amount of weight you will lose that week will decrease due to the excess calories you consume, and your risk of gaining weight increases. The advantage is that your metabolism, which has an energy restriction while dieting, opens this restriction. He thinks he can spend energy more easily. If you take control of your diet again in this situation, you will regain much of the time you lost and lose weight faster for 2-3 days. • Never weigh yourself. In such a situation, weighing yourself destroys your motivation and prevents you from taking control again with the "I've ruined it" mentality. Also, when you break the diet, you cannot actually see your real weight. You will weigh more than you are.
• Another important issue is that I ate too much, let me cut back for a few days. It means that you immediately think about losing the weight you gained. Note that this idea brings with it two problems. First, If you start eating very low calories, there is a high probability that you will break the diet again because you will get very hungry.
Second, let's say you didn't break the diet. You put your metabolism on a massive tailspin with a low-calorie diet, and then even if you go back to your normal diet, you'll find you gain weight again. This demoralizes you and reduces your tolerance for wondering how you will eat like this all your life.
• All you have to do to get your diet back together is to return to your normal diet without skipping meals. It's that simple.
• During this process, consume bran and rye oat-derived bread types, consume plenty of water, and consume plenty of green salads in main meals to increase your feeling of fullness.
• Add an activity that lasts only 15-20 minutes a day. This activity can be walking, or you can increase your energy expenditure by dancing at home. You can speed up your fat burning by adding a teaspoon of red pepper.
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