Prominent ear deformity is characterized by the earlobe being placed further away from the head than it should be. This depends on the overdevelopment of the auricle cartilage, insufficient angles in the cartilage, or a combination of these two conditions.
In the correction of prominent ear deformity, the cartilages are weakened and supported with sutures to reveal the desired folds. If necessary, excisions can be made from overdeveloped cartilages.
Although this surgery is generally recommended to be performed in the preschool period after the age of 6, it can be performed at any age.
What You Need to Know About the Surgery
- This surgery can be performed on any patient who is older than 6 years of age and whose general health condition is suitable. If the general health condition of the person under the age of 18 is sufficient, these surgeries can be performed with the consent of the parents.
This surgery can be performed under general or local anesthesia. My personal preference is for general anesthesia in the pediatric age group, because; This is much more comfortable for the patient.
The stay in the hospital is one day at most.
Post-operatively, 3 weeks all day, the next 3 weeks only at night, for a total of 6 weeks. A special tape should be applied to your ears.
Dressings should be applied on the first day after surgery and on days 5-7. It is done per day.
Each patient experiences certain levels of swelling and bruising.
These resolve rapidly within 7-10 days. You can return to your social and business life within 12-15 days.
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