The Importance of Breast Milk for Mother and Baby

If we want to raise healthy individuals in society, we need to pay attention to the nutrition of that society. Just as the pregnancy period is important, the breastfeeding period is at least as important as the pregnancy period. During this period, the nursing mother should learn to eat healthy for herself and her baby, and to consume adequate and balanced food so that it can be beneficial for both of them. The most important factor is that the mother should not raise her baby with the wrong information given by the environment and that the mother should be conscious. Because during breastfeeding, mothers should be made aware of fetal development, milk production, an increased need for nutrients, and accordingly, adequate and balanced nutrition and protection of their health.

    The most important food for a newborn baby is BREAST'S MILK. mothers know. Breast milk will help the baby to be healthy and meet all the nutritional needs it needs.

    If you think that your baby is the only one who benefits from breastfeeding, you are wrong!


Let's see. What are the benefits of breastfeeding for the mother?

        Yes, it's great because we are breastfeeding. We were lucky, weren't we?


So what are the benefits of breast milk for the baby?

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