Sexual Problems and Sexual Dysfunctions

There are many different problem areas that psychologists work on, and sexual problems are at the top of these problems. Sexual problems such as vaginismus, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, which can be easily solved in a few sessions, are not treated for many years or even a lifetime due to many reasons such as social values, mythologizing of sexual problems, false sexual beliefs that there is no solution to sexual problems, and the low number of psychologists doing sexual therapy. . For this reason, there are spouses who end their marriages and fight, as well as many people who continue their lives without knowing what a quality sexual life is, without being able to enjoy it, or feeling alienated from sexuality. The purpose of sexual therapy; It is to solve the person's problems such as premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, inability to have sexual intercourse (vaginismus), etc. and to increase the sexual life quality of the couple.

On the other hand, there are many advertisements on the internet that claim to increase sexual potency and enlarge the penis. Or, there are many people who introduce themselves as sexual therapists and claim to solve sexual problems with NLP, hypnosis, etc. methods, who are not psychologists or family counselors, and who have not received sexual therapy training, and demand exorbitant fees for this work.

On the other hand, There are many people who work in the field of health but do not have special training in this field. For example, Haydar Dümen, one of the first names that come to mind when sexuality is mentioned in Turkey, is a general practitioner, has not received any training in the field of psychology or psychiatry, and is not a psychologist or sexual therapist. In summary, it is necessary to keep in mind that just because someone is popular or just because he is a psychologist or psychiatrist does not mean that he can do sexual therapy. When looking for a psychologist or a sexual counselor in Izmir, these points should be taken into consideration and it is even recommended that you ask the people you apply whether they have received special training in this field.



Sexual function; It is accepted that it consists of four stages: desire, arousal, orgasm and resolution: Desire: It is the most important phase of the sexual cycle. Unlike other stages, it does not need direct physical stimulation. Sexual desire can occur spontaneously at any time of the day, independently of the partner. It can also occur by being influenced by a person. Arousal: It may occur as a result of any physical or psychogenic stimulation. If the stimulus given is large enough to meet the person's needs, the intensity of the reaction increases. The first sign of arousal in women is swelling in the genital organ, and the first sign of arousal in men is erection. It is a long-lasting phase. Orgasm: It is the most intense phase in terms of pleasure but the shortest in duration. It is a pleasurable condition followed by 3-4 rhythmic irregular contractions lasting 0.8 milliseconds. It occurs by ejaculation in men and by rhythmic contraction of the perineum and vagina muscles in women. During orgasm, a liquid called semen comes from the man, while in women, a state of increasing tension is followed by relaxation and relaxation. Dissociation: With the end of the sexual act, the dissociation phase is entered. Blood flow in the sexual areas returns to normal. The problems experienced by people generally arise from disruptions in the desire, arousal and orgasm departments.


1-Sexual desire disorder:

A) Sexual desire disorder.

B) Sexual aversion disorder

2-Arousal Disorder:

In men: Erectile dysfunction

In women: Arousal disorder

3-Orgasm disorder:

Ejaculation disorders in men

a) Premature ejaculation

b) Delayed ejaculation

Orgasmic disorder in women

4-Pain Disorders

A) Dyspareunia (feeling pain during sexual intercourse)

B) Vaginismus (Failure to achieve vaginal intercourse due to involuntary contractions occurring in the woman.)



Vaginismus is a recurring or persistent pain in the muscles surrounding the outer third of the vagina when sexual intercourse is attempted. It is the inability to have sexual intercourse due to contractions and severe pain, or it is painful/distressing. This contraction is involuntary, that is, it is a contraction that occurs outside the woman's conscious control. This contraction is accompanied by contractions in the whole body, closing of the legs, a virtual locking, fear, avoidance of sexual intercourse, and the belief that there will be no entry. Rarely, sexual intercourse occurs, but since the contraction continues, sexual intercourse is painful or distressing (İncesu, 2004). couples To overcome this problem, they may resort to methods such as trying to have sexual intercourse using alcohol or drugs or using creams that numb the vaginal area. These attempts can cause physical harm to people and reduce hope for recovery. In addition, erection problems may also occur in the partner of a woman suffering from vaginismus. Vaginismus can be treated in an average of 3-5 sessions and a very high success rate is achieved.



Premature ejaculation occurs more than the person wants, even with a little sexual stimulation. He ejaculates first, in other words, he cannot control his ejaculation or delay it as much as he wants. From a medical perspective, premature ejaculation is when a person has no voluntary control over the ejaculation reflex and has not yet learned it. Although duration is not the main criterion, ejaculation before intercourse or 1-3 minutes of sexual intercourse is definitely premature ejaculation. The rate of premature ejaculation is between 20-30% in studies. One in every 4-5 men has a premature ejaculation problem. It is a common problem in men in all societies (İncesu, 2004). Premature ejaculation problem can be treated in an average of 4-6 sessions.

Before starting the treatment program, it should be investigated in detail whether the sexual dysfunction has an organic origin. In this respect, it is important to establish cooperation with disciplines such as urology, neurology and endocrinology during the evaluation process.

The point to be considered in psychological evaluation processes is whether the existing disorder has developed secondary to marital problems. If the marital problem is at the forefront, the spouses should be taken to family therapy before focusing on the sexual dysfunction problem. In couples who make progress with psychological support in family therapy or family counseling, sexual dysfunction problems can sometimes disappear on their own. In cases where marital problems develop secondary to sexual dysfunctions, treatment can be started directly. However, it is necessary to integrate approaches such as communication skills and couple therapy, which are the basic principles of every sexual treatment program. This increases the effectiveness of the treatment.

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