Procrastination (Procrastination Disease)

It happens that everyone from time to time postpones the things that need to be done until later and instead focuses on the non-priority tasks. For a student, this may appear as postponing homework until one day is left for the deadline, for a housewife keeping her clothes ironed until minutes before her child goes to school, and for a working person, not preparing the reports that need to be submitted until the last moment.

So long story short, things are put on hold until the egg comes to the door, so to speak. However, if this happens frequently instead of once in a while, disrupts the functionality of people in their lives, reduces their quality of life and turns into an unbearable situation, procrastination, also known as procrastination, may be in question.

All About Procrastination

There are three stages to fulfilling a responsibility and completing a task. These stages are; starting, continuing and ending the work done. Therefore, the stages of all tasks, big and small, are the same. Depending on this situation, the fulfillment of responsibilities may vary depending on the size or smallness of the task and may cause the person to feel different levels of stress and anxiety processes. With the shrinking of the time needed for this process, the compelling emotions in this process increase even more. As things build up, increasing stress and anxiety make it more difficult to get things done, and people may find themselves in the middle of an inextricable vicious circle. It's not as simple as being able to stop procrastinating. If it is thought to be that simple, there may be constant advice, advice and critical approaches from the person's social environment. appears to be of the type. That's why procrastination For someone, everything may not be as easy as others criticize from the outside.

In short, those who cannot get out of the procrastination cycle may feel angry, helpless, inadequate and hopeless if they experience environmental pressure along with their own difficulties.

As the solution attempts made in line with the suggestions coming from the environment without finding the real cause of the procrastination disease will fail, feelings of helplessness can be triggered intensely in the person. In this case, although the solution of procrastination may seem very easy from the outside, it is actually necessary to consider and evaluate the difficult part of the solution first.

What is Procrastination Disease?

This condition, which entered the literature in English with the term procrastination, is used in our language as “procrastination disease”.

In procrastination disease; It is possible that the work to be done is not done even when there is the necessary energy, time and opportunity, it is postponed once or repeatedly, and even consciously or unconsciously avoiding the work. can show. For example, in some cases, since things cannot be evaluated in order of priority, it is not possible to perform time management in a healthy way. In such cases, the priority of doing things for the person is not in order of time and importance; It is determined according to the level of desire, motivation and anxiety.

The actions that need to be done without priority are delayed, while the things that can be done later or at different times are done early. This situation, on the other hand, affects almost the whole life of the person negatively, as it causes the person to not manage time correctly. It takes action when there is very little time left to finish it. In this way, the person tries to do a lot in a short time.

Of course, during this process, the person will feel himself under time pressure. The anxiety and stress levels experienced by the person also increase considerably. As a result, the work is done far more superficially and inadequately than it can be done. Continuous inadequacy of the result may also cause a decrease in self-confidence and self-esteem over time. Cycles of procrastination can also be encountered in various forms.

No matter how much the examples of procrastination behavior vary, the common point of all of them is that things are usually postponed due to internal reasons of people. p>

What are the Causes of Procrastination?

Procrastination disease progresses with significant difficulties in people's lives. Of course, the difficulties experienced are not the wishes or preferences of the people. However, it is of great importance to find the answer to the question "Why is procrastination so frequent in a person's life, even though it is not intentionally done?

First of all, procrastination is of great importance. We can talk about many reasons for the formation and continuation of the disease. While the behavior of procrastination seen in some people may be based on only one reason, for some people it can mostly occur as a result of a combination of many reasons.

Some of the reasons that cause this disease are as follows:

Causes of Procrastination Disease:

-Growing up by being exposed to authoritarian/critical parenting attitudes at an early age,

-Failure to acquire sense of responsibility in critical age periods of the growth age,

-Creation of high expectations that are difficult to be overcome by family, environment or oneself,

- Burnout syndrome symptoms appearing as a result of being constantly under intense stress,

- Demonstrating attitudes towards being pleasure-oriented rather than task-oriented while fulfilling responsibilities ,

-Difficulty dealing with difficult emotions,

- Avoiding difficult and intense emotions,

-Acting according to emotions,

-Getting bored quickly,


-Low tolerance towards making mistakes,

-Fear of failure

- Low self-esteem,

-Talents and tasks that are not suitable for the equipment,

-Lack of knowledge and skills on time management,


-Desire to rebel against people, the system or oneself, consciously or unconsciously, by procrastinating.

What are the Symptoms of Procrastination Disease?

Procrastination disease can stand out in daily life with obvious symptoms that can also be observed from outside. These symptoms are as follows:

-Works that require several stages and time are always left to the last moment

-Very much in a very short time Trying to complete the task,

-Constantly fulfilling duties and responsibilities in a cursory manner,

-Determining when the desired work will be done Postponing the starting time each time despite the decision being taken,

- Postponing the important and worrying works and taking care of the works that can be done more comfortably,

-Don't be distracted by unnecessary things during the time the works will be carried out,

-The decisions taken could not be implemented in any way,

-Duty Being overly anxious and stressed while fulfilling responsibilities and responsibilities,

-Avoid planning or thinking about work and responsibilities

-Work and spending more time on planning instead of taking action to fulfill responsibilities,

-Experiencing various physical complaints as work and responsibilities approach.

How Does Chronic Procrastination Disease Occur?

If the procrastination behavior, which occurs due to various reasons, becomes continuous despite all the difficult moods that a person has created in his life, it is called chronic procrastination.

In this case, each e Postponement brings with it the next postponement. Because unfulfilled tasks pile up every time. In short, as the person falls behind in fulfilling his duties and responsibilities, new tasks begin to be added on top of the expected tasks. Thus, reinforce the belief that no matter what the person does, the effort made in his own life is insufficient to cope with the tasks. Thus, the behavior of procrastination continues in this way as a vicious circle in one's life despite the accumulated tasks. Many people who want to get out of this swirling situation, even if they want to give up their procrastination habits, often do not know where to start. . In this case, feelings of boredom, reluctance and hopelessness may be reinforced by avoiding responsibilities, duties and decisions, and not fulfilling responsibilities at all. He is criticized by people as insensitive, irresponsible or careless.

What Should Be Done to Cope with Procrastination Disease?

Procrastination Disease The first thing to do in dealing with this situation is to determine the cause or causes of this situation very well. However, after seeing the real and deepest reasons behind this behavior, the source of this situation can be analyzed accurately and objectively.

In order to identify these reasons, you can ask and answer some questions that can help you resolve the process yourself. These questions are:

-Which of your responsibilities you need to postpone and which ones you can't?

-The emotional and emotional problems you feel between the situations you postponed and the ones you didn't postpone? behavioral change

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