Face and Lip Filling


A wrinkle-free and tight facial appearance is a sign of health and youth. We use filling materials to correct deformations caused by aging, environmental factors (sun rays, the effect of gravity, cosmetics, smoking, stressful living conditions) or structural reasons. Filling applications are frequently preferred to alleviate wrinkles, tissue and cell losses, collapse and prominence in contour lines, replace the missing volume, lift the sagging area, eliminate deep lines and thicken the lips.

Filling materials are permanent and It is temporarily divided into two main classes. Permanent filling materials are the materials we do not prefer because they pose risks such as allergic reactions and migration to unwanted areas in the long term.

The most frequently used products are temporary filling materials that last for an average of 9-12 months. Recently, hyaluronic acid fillers that can last 2 and 3 years have also been produced, but these are more costly. Temporary fillers, which consist of structural substances found in the body or chemicals that can replace these structural substances, are preferred because their allergy potential is lower and the undesirable effects that occur after application are limited to the permanence period of the filler. Hyaluronic acid, which is included in temporary filling materials, is a substance located in the dermis layer of the skin of all living things. It plays a role in ensuring skin elasticity thanks to its water retention feature. Hyaluronic acid material of different molecular weight is selected depending on the area to be filled. Temporary filling of areas such as lips, cheekbones and mid-face, between the eyebrows, and nasal grooves can be performed with hyaluronic acid. The application is performed in a clinic environment, under sterile conditions, and following the application of local anesthetic cream. Rarely, minor bruising may be observed at the injection sites afterwards. To avoid this, it is recommended not to take aspirin-like blood thinners for a week before the application.

It is very important that the product to be used is produced specifically for this purpose, stored under appropriate conditions and sterile, and used individually. Side effects that may occur during filling procedures with hyaluronic acid include pain and swelling at the injection site. It is a lump, nodule and color change. Rarely, granuloma formation may occur. In this case, injections of the enzyme hayluronidase, which dissolves hyaluronic acid, may be applied.

As a result of a successful filler application with appropriate products, there is a softening of the person's expression, a decrease in facial lines, recovery of sagging, disappearance of sagging on the face, in short, a brightening and rejuvenation of the face. .

The content of the page is for informational purposes only, be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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