One of the problems we frequently encounter in the field of children lately is the disorder we call Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which causes certain obsessive thoughts and behaviors in the person. It is a problem that we frequently encounter in adults as well as in children, especially in recent years.

OCD can be briefly explained as repetitive and disturbing thoughts and behaviors. These thoughts and behaviors can negatively affect daily life, as well as negatively affect both the child himself and his environment.

Studies in this field show that OCD observed in childhood manifests itself especially severely in early adolescence. Again, some studies show that the most common types of OCD in this period are listed as sexual obsessions, religious obsessions and cleaning obsessions.

Obsession is popularly defined as an obsessive thought. Compulsion is defined as obsessive behavior. The person first develops obsessive thoughts and then tries to relieve himself by developing obsessive behavior in order to cope with the disturbing thought. For example; A child who developed a religious obsession said, "I constantly feel like swearing, this thought is bad, if I don't touch the table 3 times, I will be punished." A form of OCD may develop. As seen in this example, thought is developed first, and behavior is developed to relieve the thought. However, obsessions and compulsions may not always occur together. OCD is divided into 3 groups:

1- Obsessions-predominant type

2- Compulsions-predominant type

3- Mixed type

*When should we suspect OCD?

1- If your child has repetitive, ritualistic behaviors (e.g., constant additional washing, turning the light on and off 3 times, walking without stepping on lines, etc.)

2- If your child has constant and disturbing thoughts (e.g. I think I am dirty, I think I have committed a sin, etc.)

The above items are the two most distinctive features of OCD. If you experience these symptoms continuously for more than 1 month, you should definitely consult a specialist.

*T Treatment Method

OCD is a treatable disorder. Treatment methods applied:

1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

2.Game Therapy

3. EMDR (If caused by trauma)

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