Did You Say Exam Anxiety?

"What will you be when you grow up?" One of the most important steps of the story that started with "University Entrance Examination (YKS)". Like many others in life. Or do you or your child see it as the “most important” step to take? One of the factors that creates test anxiety is the meaning attributed to it. Thinking that the exam is the only option, believing that there is no other option makes the exam even bigger in the eyes of the examiner.

In order to control the anxiety about the exam, it is necessary to know the reason first. Anxiety is “of unknown origin”, It is the anxiety that arises when there is no obvious threat. It is an abstract concept, we need to make it concrete. “I don't know, I have a feeling of uneasiness,” explain the clients. Sometimes it comes out when there is nothing. Sometimes there is a feeling that something bad is going to happen. First of all, we try to reveal the reasons that; Let's find a solution.

What affects young people? What factors increase exam-related stress? Research has revealed many reasons. Do the parents' expectations of the child create pressure? Are the expectations what the child can do or more than they can do? Do they prioritize their own wishes rather than what their children want?

Failure to prepare for the exam is also a concern. Does the student have concerns about preparing for the exam? Worried about not being able to study enough, preparing a work schedule, or saying she can't make it anymore and quit? Do the missing topics from previous periods, the things they don't understand, the deficiencies in the school cause concern? They are detected.

Do they have concerns about the future? Problems of finding a job, financial problems, social problems. Does he think about it all and get away from the moment? Anxieties about the future can be brought under control by focusing on the present, seeing what they can do, and improving confidence.

There are other reasons for exam anxiety. Another situation that should not be forgotten is that the young person cannot explain under the mask of exam anxiety. There may be problems in friendship relations, problems in the relationship of their parents, financial needs, physical appearance, negativities in the environment in which they live, and because the young person cannot express these, he is not hurt because of the exam. He can say that he is upset. There may even be more serious problems. Parents, teachers and families need to be a little careful and aware of these issues, listen to the young person, and get support from a specialist if they can't explain it. The young person who is relieved with the support he receives is able to focus on his lessons better.

While the addition of test anxiety in a period of puberty problems can negatively affect the life of the young person, seeing his own potential and understanding that there is not a single exam in life makes him look at the future with more hope.

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