Game is the most effective method for a child to express himself, discover his talents, develop motor skills, and ensure mental, emotional and language development. Play is the child's language. A child who cannot yet speak, express himself, or express his needs reflects his internal motivation through play. Play gives the child the opportunity to develop his personality and abilities, and is also seen by many parents as a fun time that keeps the child entertained. The important point here is that the child both has fun and improves himself while developing his ability to entertain himself.
Although the game is also used as an educational tool, it is often an educational method. The most important spiritual need after love is play. Everything that is avoided to be revealed in real life can be easily brought to light through games. There are many definitions for the game. All the definitions made show us that play should not be taken lightly and that we should view it with great seriousness and that it is a part of life and the most effective learning process for the child. Although we call it a learning process for the child, it is an undeniable fact that parents look at it differently and are introduced to new information during this learning process. Learns emotional reactions, getting rid of the egocentric period, making friends, self-confidence, sharing, sexual identity, controlling emotions, communicating, respecting, own rights and freedoms, and cooperation. He/she learns many concepts such as exploring, reasoning, establishing cause-effect relationships, making choices, classifying, sorting, problem solving, the concept of time and space, directing oneself to a goal, perceiving, identifying, color, shape and volume. Learns how to make proper sentences, sounds and intonations, vocabulary, and quickly understand and express what is said.
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