Attention Deficit and Inability to Concentrate

The roots of attention deficit problems in adults are in childhood, but they are different from those encountered in children. Since the psychological structure is just developing in childhood, the questions of what to do and how to cope with needs, desires and impulses have not yet found definitive answers. The child has no permanent ideals. Since the child has not yet developed the ability to predict the problems he may experience in the future if he does not do what he needs to do, the elements that motivate and drive him are different. In children, the ability to wait and self-soothe gradually matures. In addition to all these, some genetic and biological factors also affect the child's ability to focus his attention and suppress his movements.

When the child feels a need, he tends to meet it immediately. When a desire comes to him, he starts looking for ways to realize it. Children's attention can be easily distracted. It is difficult for them to maintain their attention on a subject and restrain their desires.

The above characteristics change during the development and growth process. An adult can anticipate his needs and postpone the fulfillment of a need or desire. He/she can experience sexual or aggressive impulses by differentiating them. An adult has ideals and goals. Can think and plan what is needed to achieve these. He can postpone some of his desires and give up on others for the sake of his ideals and goals.

All these developments make it possible to focus attention on a subject and maintain it without being affected by the environment. An adult may partially isolate himself from the events around him and focus on an issue that he thinks needs attention. During this attention, he/she can remember information about the subject. In this way, he can follow this by drawing a plan and road map for himself. As a result, he can organize his work and finish it on time.

Those who lack attention and concentration in adulthood cannot follow the instructions. They have difficulty focusing on a topic and remembering the necessary information about it. For these reasons, they cannot organize their work and life satisfactorily. They either cannot finish their work on time or leave it unfinished. These problems manifest themselves in the areas of work, family, education and throughout their lives.

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