Does My Baby Hear Normally?

Newborn babies need to be evaluated and followed up in terms of hearing loss within the framework of a certain protocol. This evaluation is very important and critical, especially in the presence of some risk factors.


During pregnancy

If the mother has a viral infection (especially rubella).
The mother's consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy. and having a different appearance of the ears
Having jaundice at birth and therefore having undergone exchange transfusion.
History of staying in the neonatal care unit for more than five days
Having been given antibiotics intravenously
Having had meningitis
br /> Having one or more members of the family with early or advanced, permanent or progressive hearing loss.
Having received antibiotics intravenously during infancy (29 days-2 years).
br /> Having meningitis
Detection of neurological disorders
Having suffered a serious injury that caused a fracture in the skull bones with or without bleeding from the ear
Having a history of recurrent ear infections with fluid in the ear lasting more than three months.

(speech language development)

In the period from birth to 6 months;

Does not startle, move, cry or do anything due to unexpected loud noises. does not react in any way,
does not wake up with loud noises,
does not imitate sounds spontaneously
cannot be calmed by sound alone
does not turn its head towards the sound
In young infancy (6 months to 12 months) );

Cannot point to familiar people or objects when asked
Does not make speaking sounds or has stopped making speaking sounds
Does not understand simple words such as 'wave your hand' or clap your hand just by listening at the age of 12 months
/> In older infancy (13 months-2 years); or does not understand where the sound is coming from
Familiar people and household e has not started to use or imitate simple words for those around him
If he does not make sounds and cannot talk like other children of similar age
If he does not watch television at normal volume, but watches television very close up
He has not made sufficient progress in the use of words for understanding and communication. If not,
The possibility of hearing loss should be considered.


If your child has one or more of these indicators, your child's ear examination and hearing test should be performed. This can be done at any age, even immediately after birth. If you have not identified any of these factors, but you suspect that your child is not hearing normally, your child's hearing should be evaluated, even if your child's doctor is not concerned.

Even if there is no hearing loss, the test will not harm him or her. However, if your child has hearing loss, late diagnosis may affect speech and language development.

Hearing loss may also be present even if none of these risk factors are present.

Parents and their mothers and fathers They are the people who will discover hearing loss in babies as the people who spend the most time with them. If at any time it is thought that the baby has hearing loss, this should be discussed with the doctor. A baby's hearing can be tested at any age. Computerized hearing tests make it possible to screen newborns. Some babies are more likely than average to have hearing loss than others. If any of the items on this list are present, the child should have a hearing test as soon as possible. All children must be evaluated with a hearing test before starting school. In this way, mild hearing loss that the mother, father or child does not notice can be revealed or a loss in one ear can be detected. Such a loss, although not obvious, can affect speech and language. Hearing loss may be caused by earwax or fluid buildup in the ear. Many children with this type of temporary hearing loss can have their hearing corrected with medication or minor surgery.

Unlike temporary hearing loss, some children have permanent nerve-related hearing loss. A minority of these children are completely deaf, and the majority have some usable hearing. Early diagnosis, early hearing aid application, and starting special education programs early can help maximize the child's current hearing and communication skills.


Purpose: detect hearing loss at the first stage. It is possible to detect it within 3 months and start device application at the age of 6 months at the latest. All newborn babies need to be evaluated within the framework of a protocol.


At 24–48 Hours of Age: Checking hearing with Auto Acoustic Emission (OAE) screening test
This In babies who do not get a positive response in the test: OAE screening test again in the 1st month.
In babies who do not get a positive response in the screening test in the first month: OAE screening test again in the 2nd month. : Tympanogram + Brainstem audiometry (ABR) + Transient evoked autoacoustic emission (TEOAE)

Before discharge: ABR screening test
In babies who do not get a positive response from this test: Diagnostic ABR test at the 1st month -
In babies who do not get a positive response again: Diagnostic test panel at the 3rd month

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