Digital smile design is the transfer of the current situation to the digital environment by taking photographs of the patient and scanning the teeth in the mouth with a camera, and the design is made digitally.
Digital smile design in English is called DSD (Digital Smile Design). When the patient comes to his first appointment, photographs are taken, measurements are taken from inside the mouth with the help of a camera, and then this information is transferred to the computer and tooth shapes are determined according to the shape of the face and lips.
2) What can I do to prevent periodontal diseases (gum diseases)?
Periodontal (gum) inflammation is not inevitable. In addition to regular examinations and maintenance treatments, the development of gingivitis and periodontitis can be prevented by adopting oral care habits.
The basic elements of good oral care:
Brushing the chewing surfaces and edges of the teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste twice a day.
Depending on the size of the spaces between the teeth, using dental floss or an interdental brush daily. cleaning once.
Rinsing the mouth for 30 seconds after brushing with a daily mouthwash.
Dental floss should be used in areas where the teeth are close to each other, narrow or where there is no space. Interdental brushes are suitable for larger spaces. Care should be taken to thoroughly clean around crooked teeth or around fillings, crowns and bridges, as plaque accumulates easily in these areas and can be difficult to access.
Antibacterial mouthwashes are an ADDITIONAL complement to brushing, as they prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth and relieve inflammatory changes. It should be used after brushing your teeth.
If plaque deposits remain as a result of inadequate cleaning technique, they will mineralize and turn into hard dental stone that cannot be cleaned with a toothbrush. Your dentist or periodontist (specialist in gum disease and surgery) will detect these tartars during your regular examination and remove them during a professional cleaning. Tooth stones were removed Teeth are polished with special brushes and pastes to create a smooth surface that is less likely to accumulate plaque.
3) How is periodontitis (gum diseases) treated?
Careful examination by a specialist physician. With evaluation and treatment, it is often possible to stop the progression of periodontitis completely. The key to success is to eliminate the bacterial plaque that triggers the disease process and establish excellent oral hygiene practices.
Oral hygiene education and advice
The aim of the oral hygiene phase of treatment is to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth and thus reduce the level of inflammation. Your periodontist will first explain the causes of your gingivitis and how to keep your teeth and gums clean. It will give you individual recommendations on how to use various cleaning materials most effectively; for example, the most appropriate tooth brushing technique is the correct use of dental floss and/or interdental brush.
Professional dental cleaning
All soft (plaque) and hard deposits (tartar) are removed from the teeth and polished. Depending on the improvement in plaque control and gum health, further instructions and repeat scaling may be given at the next appointment.
Antibiotic treatment
In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed to control active or persistent gingivitis that does not respond to oral hygiene measures.
After a few weeks, your doctor will perform a comprehensive evaluation of your inner tissues to check the progress of your treatment. If periodontal pockets are still present, other treatment options may be recommended, including advanced surgical therapies.
Corrective (surgical) treatment
Sometimes a surgical procedure is performed to clean the gum pockets of debris and tartar. These areas are inaccessible to brushes and dental floss and allow bacteria to grow. Inflammation continues in these areas. Under local anesthesia, inflamed areas of the gum are removed and the root surfaces are cleaned under direct vision to ensure all bacteria are removed. In some cases, it is possible to treat bone loss simultaneously using special regenerative therapies. As a result of the procedure, the gums are stitched back into place around the teeth.
After-care-supportive periodontal treatment
The long-term success of periodontal therapy depends on the efforts of the practice team, both in oral hygiene and in ensuring your regular care and ongoing evaluation. After the first phase of treatment is completed, your physician will be able to detect new or recurring areas of inflammation and will need to review them at regular intervals. The frequency of follow-up appointments will depend on the severity of your disease and your individual risk of developing the disease. Generally, follow-up appointments are carried out every three to six months.
Regular follow-up appointments are very important to ensure that the disease process does not recur, causing further destruction of the gums and further deterioration of the bone. If there are ongoing symptoms of the disease, your doctor will apply advanced treatments. In addition, he will give advice on how to improve your oral care to overcome inflammation.
Successful periodontal treatment requires full cooperation in daily oral care and attendance at regular follow-up appointments. p>
4) What causes gingival recession?
Gum recession, which is commonly seen today, is one of the most common oral diseases. Gum is a tissue that surrounds and protects the tooth. One or more factors may cause withdrawal. The most common causes are tartar and gum inflammation. If gingivitis is left untreated, it spreads to the deep jawbone, causing it to dissolve and as a result, the gums follow the bone and move down, resulting in gum recession. Therefore, scaling twice a year helps prevent and protect the progression of gum diseases. p>
In addition to these, dental prostheses or fillings that are not compatible in the mouth, too hard brushing, crooked and difficult to brush teeth, cheek and muscle connections in the mouth being close to the gums, teeth clenching, familial predisposition and many similar reasons. It can cause gum recession. Since the causes of gum recession can be very comprehensive, you need to be examined by a specialist Periodontologist (Gum disease and surgery specialist).
How to prevent it?
You can prevent the majority of recessions by good oral care and professional scaling twice a year. Good care includes brushing your teeth twice a day, cleaning the interdental areas with dental floss or interdental brushes, and using a daily mouthwash. In addition, a balanced diet and plenty of water consumption will affect your general health and strengthen your immunity, helping you fight against the bacteria in your mouth that cause gingivitis.
Symptoms: Sensitivity, odor, bleeding, elongated appearance of the teeth, gaping between the teeth
They are 'leaf'-thin sheets of custom-made tooth-coloured materials designed to cover the surface of the tooth. These layers bond to the front surface of the teeth, changing the color, shape, size or length of the teeth.
Dental laminates can be made of porcelain or resin composite materials. Porcelain veneers resist stains better than resin veneers and better mimic the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth. You will need to decide together with your dentist the choice of the most suitable material for you.
What kind of problems do dental laminates correct?
Discolored teeth - either due to root canal treatment; stains and discolorations caused by tetracycline or other medications, excess fluoride, or other causes; or the presence of large fillings that discolor the tooth
Worn out teeth
Broken teeth
Crowded teeth, irregular or irregularly shaped teeth
Among them Teeth with gaps (to close the gap between these teeth)
For smile design in patients who are not satisfied with their smile
What are the Stages of Dental Lamina Application?
Dental lamina treatment usually requires at least 3 appointments. - diagnosis and planning at the first appointment, a trial and preparation phase with temporary teeth at the second appointment, and finally the bonding appointment. Depending on the requirement, one tooth or many teeth may undergo the following process at the same time:
* Diagnosis and treatment planning. This first step involves your active participation. Explain to your dentist the result you are trying to achieve. During this appointment, your dentist will examine your teeth to make sure veneers are right for you and discuss what the procedure will involve and some of its limitations. They may also take X-rays and possibly take measurements of your mouth.
* Mock-up and Preparation. During the trial phase, your dentist applies a temporary material on your teeth in line with your expectations during the first appointment and examines the final appearance of your laminates in the last session. You can express your wishes at this stage and you will not encounter any surprises at the end of the treatment.
To prepare the tooth to be laminated, your dentist reshapes the tooth surface in an amount almost equal to the thickness of the coating to be added to the tooth surface. Before shaping the tooth enamel, your dentist may use local anesthesia to numb the area. Next, your dentist will take an impression of your tooth. This measurement is sent to the dental laboratory. It usually takes 2-3 days for your dentist to receive the veneers back from the laboratory. During this process, temporary laminates are applied to your teeth.
* Bonding. Before the veneers are permanently bonded to your teeth, your dentist will temporarily place them on your teeth to examine their suitability and color. The teeth are then cleaned and polished to prepare your tooth, and finally the tooth is roughened for the bonding process. Lamina special ya
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