There is more than one type of Diabetes. These; Type I diabetes, Type II diabetes and Gestational Diabetes are known as primary
(not due to another disease), while the others are special types of diabetes and are known as secondary diabetes (caused by another disease
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Type I diabetes:
It usually occurs as a result of the loss-destruction of Beta cells responsible for insulin production in the pancreas
. It may be due to a disorder in the immune system or of unknown (idiopathic) origin.
Type II diabetes:
It may be caused by a disorder in insulin secretion that progresses on the basis of insulin resistance
Gestational Diabetes (Gestational diabetes):
It is a type of diabetes that occurs with pregnancy and usually resolves after pregnancy.
Other types of diabetes:
• Genetic defects that affect the functioning of beta cells
• Genetic defects that impair the effect of insulin
• Pancreatic diseases
• Hormonal diseases
/> • Drug-related
• Rare types of diabetes related to the immune system
• Genetic syndromes that include diabetes
• Can be classified as infections.
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