Thyroid Patients and Nutrition

• The thyroid gland is defined as a light brown gland consisting of two lobes.TSH AND TRH hormones are hormones that act on the thyroid gland.

Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone. (TRH):It is the hormone that enables the synthesis of TSH. The release of TSH is also under the control of TRH.

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH):It also controls the retention of iodine and the production and release of T3-T4 hormones.

•         Thyroxine (T4) is released inactively from the thyroid glands. The active form of T4 turns into T3.


•         Excessive secretion increases the need for vitamins.

•         Thyroid Hormones can affect the myocardium and cause tachycardia.

•         It causes a decrease or increase in bowel movements. In its deficiency, constipation occurs.

•         If there is an abnormality; It is effective in weight gain and unintentional weight loss.



It is the name given to the enlargement of the thyroid gland. The reason is that thyroid hormone synthesis is inhibited due to iodine deficiency and the amount of TSH increases as a result of the decrease in thyroid hormones.

It causes thyroid gland enlargement.


T4 and It occurs due to disorders that lead to a decrease in T3 production. In this case, TSH increases.

 A slowdown in metabolism is observed in hypothyroidism, which is more common in women.

 General findings; Weight gain, constipation, headache, edema, expressionless facial appearance and low body temperature are observed. The skin appears cold, dry and pale, and individuals have low tolerance to cold. Hair and nails are dry and their growth rate is low.


•   Increased levels of thyroid hormones are called "Hyperthyroidism".

•  General findings; anxiety, irritability, heat intolerance, palpitations, weight loss, diarrhea, fever It is characterized by o loss, weakness and increase in appetite, and decrease in menstrual bleeding. The skin is warm, moist and soft. Patients may complain of sweating in the palms. The growth rate of hair and nails has increased and they are generally observed as soft and thin.


Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease of unknown cause. It is defined as an increase in thyroid hormones in the blood as a result of sudden discharge of thyroid hormones by exposure of the tissues to high levels of thyroid hormones in the circulation.

  Some people with Graves' Disease experience eye problems. Their eyes are protruding forward as if they are about to come out of their sockets. Other symptoms are symptoms of hyperthyroidism.


It is defined by the increase in anti-TPO and anti-TG along with a decrease in thyroid follicles.

HT can be seen in various clinical conditions. can be seen in the tables. These may be in the form of goiter or hypothyroidism, and alternating hypo-hyperthyroidism.


  In hyperthyroidismnon-iodized salt should be recommended in nutritional recommendations. and substances containing high iodine should be avoided. Warnings should be made about foods containing iodine, such as seafood and iodine-rich multivitamins.

  Iodine restriction is not required in patients with hypothyroidism. Since the most common complication is metabolic syndrome, it should be taken into consideration in nutritional treatments. Body weight loss has a great contribution to the treatment of metabolic syndrome.

When goitrogenic foods are destroyed, the substance "goitrin" is released, and excessive intake of this substance negatively affects iodine retention and metabolism and plays a role in the formation of iodine deficiency. .

  The most important goitrogens are; cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, turnips, radishes and spinach. People with hypothyroidism need to consume it in a controlled manner.

  Zinc is an indispensable element for the synthesis and metabolism of both vital enzymes and thyroid hormones. Zinc deficiency negatively affects thyroid function and zinc support affects thyroid hormones. Its positive effects on the effectiveness of thyroid gland have been confirmed in studies.

  Iron deficiency, zinc, selenium and vitamin deficiency also negatively affect the functioning or effect of the thyroid gland. Therefore, if there is any missing micronutrient, it should be discussed with the doctor and dietitian in teamwork.

Since constipation may occur in case of hypothyroidism, foods with high fiber content such as vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grain products should be consumed more frequently.

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