Chocolate Cyst Disease

We know that endometriosis is estimated to be around 10% worldwide and that 1-1.5 million women in our country live with this disease. Although it is seen at all ages, it is generally seen in women of reproductive age in their 30s.

Endometriosis is the settling of the inner wall of the uterus in another part of the body other than where it should normally be and forming foci. It is a benign estrogen-dependent-chronic gynecological disease.

Endometriosis in the body; It can settle in the ovaries, tubes, intestines, urinary bladder and other organs of the body.

What we call chocolate cyst is the cyst formed due to this disease. Not every endometriosis patient has to have a chocolate cyst. However, among the public, the name of this disease is known as Chocolate cyst, whether you have a cyst or not. The reason why the cyst is called a chocolate cyst is that there is bleeding into this cyst during each menstrual period (other than that, in cases where there is no cyst, the focal points bleed, but it flows into the abdominal cavity and forms adhesions) and the blood turns chocolate color as a result of accumulation in the cyst.

Most commonly, complaints; Pain, difficulty in pregnancy, menstrual pain, painful sexual intercourse, widespread pain in the lower abdomen and hip area, painful defecation, and depression are common.

The diagnosis of endometriosis can only be made by a Gynecologist; It can be determined by gynecological examination and, if necessary, laparoscopic surgery. If you have any complaints, be sure to consult a physician. So how should you eat if you are diagnosed with Endometriosis?

First of all, this disease is not completely cured by nutrition or medication. Since it has a progressive nature, physician follow-up is essential (only a physician can decide whether you should take medication or undergo surgery), in addition to all this, you can live with endometriosis more easily by regulating your nutrition, especially it is possible to reduce the pain symptoms.

How this disease occurs - its mechanism. Even though it is not fully known, it is known to be an inflammatory process when looking at its pathophysiology. Unfortunately, this inflammatory process and increasing oxidative stress exacerbate the process. For all these reasons, anti-inflammatory nutrition is recommended.

The main goals of nutrition are;

Reducing the amount of increased estrogen (increased estrogen increases prostaglandin (acid) production and the uterine muscles contract more - we can say more pain)

-Staying away from foods that increase inflammation in the body

-Consuming foods with high antioxidant content

-Increasing the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3,n-6) (to reduce disease-related pain)

-Individual's BMI (Body Mass Index (18-25 kg/m²) should be within normal ranges

-Muscle mass should be increased with exercise and fat mass should be reduced by increasing the basal metabolic rate.

-Since estrogen levels are high, the liver where this estrogen is metabolized is very important; Liver-friendly foods should be included (artichoke, celery, cabbage, broccoli, blueberry, garlic, radish, beet, cauliflower, asparagus, arugula, peanuts, red grapes, carrots, pineapple, mulberry)

green leafy vegetables such as leeks, spinach and celery; Vegetables such as artichokes, potatoes, carrots and turnips are recommended (it has been determined that women who consume cabbage-derived vegetables are 13% more likely to contract this disease - consumption of cabbage derivatives is not recommended)

-Also corn, peas, lima beans. It has been found to be associated with high risk and its consumption is not recommended. Compared to those who consume 3,4,5,6 portions, it has been stated that the risk of endometriosis is lower for those who consume 3 portions - 9%, for those who consume 4 portions - 10%, for those who consume 5 portions - 12%, and for those who consume more than 6 portions - 18%. In addition, except for citrus fruits, the risk of developing endometriosis is lower. Fruits show anti-inflammatory properties and their consumption is recommended.

-Nuts, seeds, oily fish (salmon-mackerel-herring-haddock-trout-anchovy-cod-flounder), krill, algae, which we call PUFAs. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and has a high inflammatory response. It has been determined that reducing the risk of endometriosis reduces the spread of endometriosis. Consuming tahini is recommended to remove heavy metals from the body after consuming fish (especially bottom fish). In addition, olive oil is one of the anti-inflammatory foods in the fat group. You can consume olive oil in all your meals and salads by controlling portions.

-We all know that water consumption is a must to remove waste from the body, but do we drink enough water? You can understand whether your water consumption is sufficient by the color of your urine. We should consume at least 2.5-3 liters of water during the day (this may even increase in some cases).

-Dry fruits should also be included in your nutrition program; You can also add prunes, dried figs, dried apricots and dates (portion control is a must).

- Low-fat milk and dairy products (yoghurt-ayran-kefir) have been stated to reduce the risk of developing endometriosis (low saturated fat content). because )

-Spices; turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, curry, black pepper, coriander, sumac, thyme (recommended due to its anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and heavy metal cleansing properties)

-From legumes; broad beans, kidney beans, beans, chickpeas and black-eyed peas are foods that you can easily include in your nutrition program (unless you have any other health problems).

-Well, you don't mention the carbohydrate group at all. Some people have said, "Great Lady." GLUTEN (containing gliadin protein) in the cereal group is not recommended for endometriosis because it increases the severity of the disease. Located in the grain group; Buckwheat, quinoa, rice, potatoes, gluten-free pasta, corn semolina, gluten-free breads and gluten-free flours are recommended. In fact, a kind of gluten-free diet is recommended, especially for people who experience intense pain.



It increases body inflammation and FOODS NOT RECOMMENDED TO CONSUME

- Wheat and wheat products

- Sugar and sugary products+ Honey

- Alcohol (prevents natural detoxification)

-Caffeine (tea-coffee-cola increases estrogen concentration)


-Red Meat (especially processed)

- Fried foods

-Hydrogenated oils (margarine)

- Concert and foods

- Frozen foods

- Closed packaged products containing additives and preservatives

- Among the foods that are not recommended in the gluten-containing grain group)

Among the foods that are not recommended in the grain group containing gluten



Yes, it may be difficult to constantly eat gluten-free, but try to consume gluten-free foods as much as possible. It's up to you to focus on your health. Even if you cannot follow all these suggestions literally, I am sure that you will feel the difference if you take them into consideration and improve your nutrition by 80%-85% within this framework.


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