Problems that may occur after surgery can be classified as early and late problems
. Early problems are problems that will occur within the first 30 days after surgery. If it is to improve, the majority of these problems will occur within the
first 7 days. We can divide the possible early complications into two: complications related to obesity surgery
and complications that can be seen in all surgical procedures in general:
a. Obesity surgery. The most important complications are leaks, that is, leaks that develop from stitches and staple lines created in the stomach or
intestine. If this condition is detected early, the problem can be prevented and treated using endoscopic methods before it gets too big. However, sometimes the detection of leaks
may be delayed, in which case radiological interventions or new surgeries may be required for the treatment of accumulations or
abscesses that may develop in the abdomen.
The patient will most likely spend some of this process in intensive care. p>
b. One of the complications that can be seen in all surgical procedures is bleeding.
It is often seen in the early period of the surgery, within the first 48 hours. Although it is mostly treated with supportive treatment and blood transfusion, sometimes a second surgery may be required.
After the surgery, patients avoid taking deep breaths due to pain.
For this reason, the lungs tend to close down. If patients do not do effective breathing
exercises, the lungs will not ventilate well and this may cause serious lung
infection (pneumonia). It is very important to do breathing exercises
after surgery.
Since patients remain immobile for a while during and after the surgery, the possibility of developing blood clots in the leg veins increases. Being obese also increases this
risk. If a clot develops, there is a risk that a piece of this clot may break off and block the lung
vessels. This condition is called pulmonary embolism and
can be fatal. As a precaution, all patients are made to wear tight stockings resembling compression stockings before the surgery. A blood-thinning injection is administered uninterruptedly starting 12 hours before the surgery and until the 30th day of the surgery. At the earliest time
(approximately the 6th hour) the patient is made to stand up. In addition, it is recommended to exercise a lot in the postoperative period, both in the hospital and at home.
Late problems are problems that may arise after the first month of the surgery.
These problems include nutritional and vitamin deficiencies, Changes in bowel habits, mechanical or functional strictures in the gastrointestinal system due to surgery, reflux, and surgical site hernias. Since these problems
develop over time, it may take time to treat them, and sometimes a new surgery may be needed.
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