Bodybuilding and Gynecomastia, Bodybuilding and Male Breast Size

The main cause of gynecomastia in people interested in bodybuilding is the use of anabolic steroid hormones. Apart from these, protein powders, supplements containing omega acids and whose contents are not fully known may cause these. In a publication published at the beginning of 2015 in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the publication of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a detailed study was published about people who were interested in bodybuilding and complained of gynecomastia and applied for treatment to get rid of it. In this study, he published the surgical treatment approach and results of 1574 people who were interested in bodybuilding and had gynecomastia. They state that they achieved 98% patient satisfaction with this method, which I also use.

In men interested in bodybuilding, breast enlargement, i.e. gynecomastia, that occurs as a result of the use of anabolic steroid hormones can be permanent even if the hormone is stopped. In addition, these people may complain of breast tenderness, pain, and a sometimes bloody or sometimes yellow discharge from the nipple. Bloody discharge from the nipple when the nipple is squeezed is often seen in those who use anabolic steroids and requires consulting a doctor.

People who have done bodybuilding and have gynecomastia want to get rid of breast size for aesthetic reasons. However, people who do bodybuilding have very developed pectoral muscles. Since the body fat ratio is very low, there is almost no subcutaneous fat tissue. These two conditions and the fact that the main cause of gynecomastia in people interested in bodybuilding is the pure gland, that is, the size of the breast tissue, make gynecomastia treatment different from others. In gynecomastia that occurs during adolescence, the amount of fat tissue and gland is often equal or one is slightly more and the other is slightly less. Liposuction in gynecomastia that occurs after puberty and is permanent While it is quite effective, liposuction or laser lipolysis alone is almost ineffective in gynecomastia that occurs after bodybuilding. While this situation is presented in detail in the article I mentioned above, I also encounter it in my own clinical observation. Near-complete removal of gland tissue, that is, breast tissue, is the basic approach in treatment. This procedure is based on making a half-moon-shaped incision at the border where the breast area meets the breast skin and removing the gland tissue with a very meticulous and careful dissection. If necessary, liposuction can be performed in addition to the gland edges. This process requires experience, attention and meticulousness. In this way, it is possible to reduce or minimize the complications that may occur. It is possible to achieve a very high patient satisfaction with this approach.

In gynecomastia, the amount of fat tissue and gland is often equal or one is a little more and the other is a little less. The presence of fat tissue and gland, that is, real breast tissue, can be easily determined by examination or ultrasound. Liposuction or laser lipolysis can be very effective in gynecomastia that occurs after puberty and is permanent, if the breast is rich in fat tissue. However, if there is gland tissue in the breast, then liposuction or laser lipolysis is insufficient.

Since only fat tissue can be removed with liposuction or laser lipolysis, there will be no full recovery in the breast as the gland tissue that forms the gynecomastia will remain. The swelling and size of the nipple will continue. Therefore, the gland tissue must be surgically removed in this patient group. Liposuction or laser lipolysis are ineffective in gynecomastia that occurs after bodybuilding, since gland tissue is almost the sole cause of breast size. The combination of breast tissue removal and liposuction, which is mentioned in the publication above and which I have been using for many years in benign gynecomastia surgery, is very effective.


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