Mother Father Child Relationship

The child learns from his family to express himself and be a self-managed individual. Especially parents are identification models that play a fundamental role in the formation of the child's personality. The child takes these identification models as an example and literally learns their lifestyles by imitating them. During this learning process, the child needs love, trust, that is, to believe in those around him, independence, in other words, to be able to do some things on his own as he grows up.

The best way to establish a relationship with children is to first hear the child, listen and try to understand what he says. Listening facilitates understanding between parents and children. Baby development and child development can only progress properly with proper parent-child communication. This is why family relationships need to be strong. If parents want to develop their children's personalities, they should set an example for them with behavior, not words.

Children in early childhood learn how to communicate primarily by watching their parents and create new behaviors by observing the results. In a healthy parent-child communication, communication is direct and open. In order for parents to give correct and effective messages to their children, they need to know communication methods and pay attention to some rules.

The mother-child relationship has an important function in the development of social relations in the child. Healthy communication between mother and child forms the basis for the child to establish positive relationships with others. Children who develop secure attachment are described as leaders among their peers in the future, socially interested, attracting the attention of others, willing to learn, interested in their environment and cooperative.

Parents setting appropriate limits for their children helps the child develop his judgment skills and conscience. . It also helps the child understand and learn about his/her environment and events. Parents should first know their children; They should be guided in line with their interests and abilities. They should not judge this issue based on their own passions and desires.


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