What Games Should I Play with My Child Between the Ages of 2-3?

Which games should you play with your child at the age of 2-3, when his attention span increases and he makes his own choices and decisions? The 2-year-old child now controls his movements and begins to engage in goal-directed conscious behavior. His attention span increases slightly compared to the age of 1, and he can pay attention to an activity that interests him for about 10 minutes. You may not observe that the child's separation anxiety increases with the age of 2. With the transition to the age of 3, the child wants to make more of his own choices and decisions. Meets many self-care needs on his own. It takes the first steps of individualization.

In this period, more parallel play (play with toys instead of playing together) is seen. You may experience difficulties in sharing from time to time. ”What”, “Where?”, ”Who?” The frequency of questions such as these increases. Some activities you can do with your 2-3 year old child; * 'Throwing and Catching' activity: You can throw a ball into a large basket, a short distance away. This activity will benefit both the learned and reinforced skills. * Put clean sand in a box. Then hide a few of your child's big toys in the sand and ask him to find them in the sand. * You can play the game of knocking down the pins with the ball using bowling materials appropriate to your child's age. * You can make shapes out of play dough with your child, tear off small pieces of play dough, and make balls. * You can play water games under adult supervision. (Making foam with soap, fishing, etc.) * You can draw with your child on large paper with finger paints and make hand-foot prints. * You can create games with kitchen utensils, household items, dolls, plastic animals and cars. * You can make a tower with wooden blocks. * You can have time to read age-appropriate story books with your child. * You can make a 3-4 piece puzzle. * You can play the game of walking on the line by drawing a straight line on the ground with colored tape. * You can sing songs and rhymes appropriate to your child's age. * You can choose books with tactile materials. * You can play balloon catch. When playing with your child, it is important to follow your child rather than directing the game. In addition, while spending quality time, activities such as television and cinema that prevent conversation and one-to-one relationships should be avoided. Be careful to avoid these. Watching movies or cartoons can be an activity you do outside of your gaming time. By chatting with your child during play time, you direct your attention and interest completely to him/her.

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