A behavior we encounter almost everywhere is "nose picking".
People take their hands from their nose when they make eye contact while at a red light in traffic, or when we raise our heads and pick our colleague's nose while we are busy working at work
Is this a disease?
What are the psychological reasons?
My child always has his hand on his nose, this bothers me.
Just eliminating this unpleasant behavior We diagnose the child or person in front of us with many diseases in our own way. If the person in front of us says, "You have a tic disorder
" or if the child in front of us says, "You will be a bad child if you don't take your hand off." If the condition is severe enough to actually impair the ability to use one's hands, a doctor may be consulted
only as a kind of illness. First of all, the child's sinuses will be checked by the ear, nose and throat department. It should be checked whether the epidemic in the nasal mucosa is caused by drying and disturbing it. While the hairs in our nose allow the polluted air outside to filter and reach our lungs; They allow the air to reach our lungs
by warming the air in cold weather and humidifying it in hot weather. It is quite normal for it to dry out occasionally and for us to remove it with the help of a tissue.
Just doing this by creating visual pollution in front of the eyes is an uncomfortable situation for people.
In India, two doctors named Andrade and Srihari discussed the issue of nose picking. They examined it more closely and came to the conclusion that people put their hands to their noses on average four times a day. Maybe
he/she is itchy, maybe he needs to clean it with his fingers, not with a tissue. But since most people are distracted, they put their finger into their nose, which is under their hand. Maybe while thinking
or maybe while deciding something.
You should analyze whether the child repeats this behavior while he is distracted or because there is a real problem. If there is severe itching: You can consult a doctor to check the upper respiratory tract.
If you have not observed a serious situation, such communication with him will be effective;
Picking the nose with fingers is an unpleasant behavior. Sometimes when I dive in, my hand may reach my nose. Then can you warn me so I can go to the toilet or bathroom and clean up? Likewise
I will warn you if I see you. Are we clear?
If the child exhibits this behavior in public, you can choose to distract the child by giving him something else instead of feeling ashamed of his behavior and reacting like "don't do it, take your
hand off". Coloring books, colored pencils, or toys that provide finger activity that make sounds
may be preferred to keep your hands busy.
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