In order for a child to grow up as a healthy individual, it is necessary to regularly monitor growth and development from birth. Necessary follow-ups, examinations and supplements should be applied for the continuation of the state of health. Situations that will pose a risk for the disease should be identified, routine screenings should be performed, if any, and necessary preventive measures should be taken early. Preventive medicine is the basis of the branch of pediatric health and diseases, and indeed of all medicine. In this context, there should be a routine follow-up process starting from birth.
The child's weight, height and head circumference (first 3 years of age) should be measured at each routine examination, and should be evaluated on standard growth curves and according to the child's potential. After the age of 3, blood pressure control should not be forgotten. Nutrition, sleep patterns, toilet habits, personal hygiene, measures to be taken against domestic accidents and family environment (psychosocial situation, violence, etc.) should be discussed at every follow-up. Undoubtedly, the most effective preventive health practices are vaccines. Vaccines in accordance with the national vaccination schedule should be administered, and the family should be informed about off-schedule vaccines. Concerns of families about vaccines should be resolved, the family should be informed about the undesirable effects seen after vaccination, and the family should be informed about what to do. Unnecessary vaccine delay should not be made, and every follow-up should be considered as an opportunity for missed vaccines.
Nutrition and jaundice control, metabolic screening and hearing screening should be performed within 2-7 days following delivery. Follow-ups for the first 6 months should be monthly, then at intervals of 3 months or less, depending on the nutritional status. From 1 year to 3 years of age, it should be continued annually after 6 months of follow-up. This frequency of follow-up is minimal and the follow-up schedule of each baby should be rearranged according to the need.
Hip ultrasound for congenital hip dislocation and red light test for congenital cataract should be checked in the first month. An ophthalmologist examination should be done once. At the 6th month, blood count, iron ferritin level, complete urinalysis, vitamins d and b12, thyroid functions should be checked. After the age of 1, dental check-up should be done annually, at the latest 3 years old.
Child health and development, environment and self It cannot be evaluated separately from maternal health. Communication with the family is very important for the continuity and efficiency of healthy child follow-up. They should be careful while informing the families, and their questions should be answered without causing anxiety and panic while guiding them. For the child's development and mental health, secure attachment, age-appropriate toy selection, and age-appropriate reading from the 6th month should be discussed. Suggestions should be made to the family about the home and sleep patterns, the correct evaluation of the child's behavior towards the character, and consistent behavior.
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