Skin Renewal

For many years, people have been resorting to various surgical treatment methods to look younger and reduce the visible effects of aging through Skin Rejuvenation. Face lift operations are the most common examples of these. After all, facelift surgery is a serious surgery and means anesthesia, cutting and re-stitching of tissues, long recovery process, and risk of infection. Asymmetry and unnatural appearance are other possible complications.

Many candidates interested in skin rejuvenation do not prefer surgical interventions due to the reasons mentioned above, resulting in non-surgical laser skin rejuvenation and laser skin rejuvenation, which have a shorter or no recovery period. Rejuvenation techniques have been developed and their popularity has increased in recent years. Tightening the skin, removing wrinkles and recovering sagging skin caused by the effect of gravity without taking the risks of surgery are possible with laser skin rejuvenation technologies that can make tremendous changes in various tissues.

All laser devices used in laser skin resurfacing process send high-energy rays to the skin. . These laser beams are captured by water molecules in the structure of the skin or color-containing substances called chromophores. As a result of the retention of light energy by water and chromophores, the energy turns into heat and destroys the light-exposed area of ​​the skin in layers in a controlled manner. The outer layers of the skin, damaged by exposure to laser pulses and worn and wrinkled by the sun and similar effects, are replaced by newly formed fresh skin tissues. Some lasers also provide skin rejuvenation by simply heating the skin tissues without destroying them.

As a result of the skin rejuvenation process, a significant improvement in skin structure and appearance can be achieved. The skin looks younger, healthier, clearer and clearer, free from blemishes and scars. With laser skin resurfacing, the elasticity of the skin increases and wrinkles are significantly reduced.

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