It is the most common sexual dysfunction, observed in approximately forty-four percent of men. Although there are fewer applications compared to its frequency, there has been a significant increase in applications in recent years.
What is premature ejaculation? It is possible to get different answers when you ask the question. Some experts define ejaculation before 1 minute, some after 2 minutes, and some after different periods of time as premature ejaculation. Another view includes ejaculation before the partner in this definition. Recently, premature ejaculation has been emphasized for men who ejaculate for 1 minute or less. However, according to us sexual therapy experts, this definition; Premature ejaculation is when a person ejaculates uncontrollably before he/she wants.
The main problem in premature ejaculation is that the person does not realize the feelings before ejaculation and ejaculates uncontrollably. Our "treatment strategy" is based on this. To teach you to notice and stop the sensations just before ejaculation. With these suggestions and exercises, it is possible in approximately 5-6 weeks. If the brain is trained to make this point clear, what is learned becomes permanent. I hope I was able to explain the question of what premature ejaculation is.
You can write or call me for more detailed information and details of online therapy for premature ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation therapy: Premature ejaculation. Classical sexual therapies are widely and successfully used. According to some experts, by experienced therapists
How is premature ejaculation treated?
Premature ejaculation drug treatment
Premature ejaculation and its treatment
Premature ejaculation in men Treatment:
The need for premature ejaculation treatment in men is rapidly increasing. The main goal in the treatment of premature ejaculation is to prolong the period between erection and ejaculation, which we call the plateau period. For this purpose, numbing creams, sprays or similar methods have been used for a long time, but none of them have satisfied men about the treatment of premature ejaculation. The results were either inadequate, ineffective, or temporary. In addition, these methods also reduce the pleasure of sex.
When sexual therapies are examined, it is seen that they are the most suitable therapies for the treatment of premature ejaculation in men. H. Singer Kaplan� According to reports, the chance of success with this method is around 95 percent. The main purpose of sexual therapy is to increase the ability to focus on the sensations just before ejaculation, to make these sensations more evident, and to stop when the sensations are noticed. Therapy consists of anatomical and physiological information, lower brain training and some techniques and exercises. It is complementary to couple harmony and spouse-related strategies.
The treatment mentioned in the above paragraph is easy and permanent and also has a very high chance of success. Instead of looking for a solution with miraculous methods and a single drug or cream, permanent therapy that lasts approximately 5-6 weeks seems to be the ideal solution for the treatment of premature ejaculation in men.
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