There is a balance between the amount of fluid taken in our body and the amount of fluid excreted under normal conditions. Our circulatory system carries the fluid from the heart to the tissues through blood vessels.
What causes edema in the body?
Under normal conditions, there is a balance between the amount of fluid taken in and the amount of fluid excreted in our body. Our circulatory system carries the fluid from the heart to the tissues through blood vessels. Our circulatory system carries the fluid from the heart to the tissues through blood vessels. This fluid, which contains the oxygen and nutrients needed by the tissues, is transferred from the blood vessels to the related tissues when it comes to the tissues, and returns to the heart through the blood vessels after the nutrients are used up. In various situations such as inactivity, climatic factors, and drug use, an imbalance occurs in this fluid and edema (fluid retention) occurs in the body.
Immobility: Normally, the leg muscles compress the blood vessels while walking or running, ensuring the flow of blood. When the muscles are inactive, blood collects in the veins and the transfer of fluid from the tissues to the blood vessels becomes difficult and the fluid accumulates in the tissues and edema occurs. Fluid retention is observed in the ankles and feet, especially during long periods of inactivity, such as on a bus or plane ride. High humidity aggravates this picture. Lodos is an important factor that causes water collection in the body and swelling. They cause edema by affecting them.
Menstruation and pregnancy: Changes in hormone levels affect the fluid balance entering and excreting the body, causing fluid retention.
Various diseases: Diseases such as heart disease, kidney disease, thyroid, lymphedema and liver disease Edema occurs due to the deterioration of the body's fluid balance in conditions such as blood clotting, infections and inflammations, and tumors.
What are the Symptoms of Edema?
- Eyelids
- Excessive swelling of the hands and feet
- Weight gain
- Excessive sweating in the legs
- High blood pressure
- The most common symptoms are increased heart rate.
What Can Be Done to Prevent Edema?
- Adequate amount of water should be consumed (35 ml/kg/day)
- Sodium intake should be reduced. High sodium increases fluid retention.
- Pay attention to the foods consumed.
- Prepared from dandelion (dandelion), peeled pear, parsley, cucumber, apple, grape, zucchini, orange, whole grain products, green leafy vegetables, tea made with cinnamon and cloves, cherry stalk, corn tassel, avocado leaves While the mixture provides fluid removal from the body, salty foods such as brine and pickles, foods such as alcohol, cola, caffeine, chocolate, sugar, soy sauce, excessive consumption of protein and dairy products, foods containing licorice are foods that increase the body's fluid retention.
- Care should be taken to be in the healthy weight zone. Excess weight causes extra pressure on the veins and slows down circulation, resulting in deterioration of the fluid balance in the body.
- Exercise should be done. Regular physical activity is a stimulant for the circulatory system and helps regulate fluid balance. ?
· Swelling in the legs (edema) can also indicate heart, kidney or liver disorders. For this reason, it should be evaluated with detailed blood, urinalysis and imaging tests, and kidney and liver diseases should be ruled out. The cause of permanent edema is the inability of the heart to fully fulfill its function of pumping blood. Right or left heart failure develops due to insufficient pumping. In this condition, which we call heart failure, edema is frequently seen in the legs and rarely involves the face and arms. However, in edema due to advanced heart failure, there may be fluid (ascites) in the abdominal cavity along with the legs. Edema in the legs is often the harbinger of heart failure, which is one of the heart diseases. Sometimes in hospitalized patients with heart failure, edema above the coccyx can be seen. After the bypass surgery, edema may occur in the leg where the vein is removed. In advanced heart failure and in case of hardening of the heart membrane and compression of the heart, edema in the legs may be accompanied by fluid accumulation (ascites) in the abdominal cavity. In this case, you should definitely contact your doctor and report the situation.
· The cause of edema due to kidney disorders is protein leakage in the urine. Edema due to kidney disorders can be seen in both legs and face. Edema in the legs due to kidney disease can sometimes be one of the first signs of kidney failure.
· On the other hand, the cause of edema due to advanced liver diseases (cirrhosis) is the decrease in the amount of protein (albumin) in the blood, and edema can be seen as acid in both the legs and abdomen.
· Leg swelling can occur as a result of diseases that concern the whole body, or it can be seen only in a disease of that leg. Occlusions and or inadequacies in the leg veins may be the cause of swelling in both legs (between the knee and the ankle). Varicose veins that develop as a result of circulatory disorder in the veins in the legs or obesity and the use of tight corsets may also cause edema in the legs.
· Edema in the legs should also be followed closely during pregnancy. Edema in the legs during pregnancy may be a sign of protein leakage in the urine. You should definitely inform your gynecologist about this situation. Edema in the legs during pregnancy may require you to be followed closely in terms of pregnancy poisoning (pre-eclampsia/eclampsia). · Symmetrical edema is seen in both legs in goiter and some metabolic diseases.Payment n actually thrown? What can be done for edema? It may also depend on your style. Edema-reducing measures or edema-reducing herbal teas can help remove edema from the body. If the edema is due to an underlying heart or kidney disease, it may be necessary to use edema-reducing drugs (diuretics) in appropriate doses under the control of a doctor. We have listed the edema-reducing solutions that can be easily applied at home below: Those who have to wear low-pressure compression stockings (such as bus travel) and walk for 5 minutes every hour both delay the formation of edema and solve the edema by helping the movement of the leg muscles of the formed fluid to the blood conduction movement of the veins.
- Raising the arms above your head every 30 minutes in edema seen in the arms increases the return rate of the blood in the veins to the heart with the support of gravity.
- Use antioxidants because of its positive effects on vascular health. Blueberry, grape seed extract are ideal antioxidants.
- Get into the habit of consuming herbal tea. Parsley, fennel, chicory, green tea and chamomile tea are good edema relievers.
- You can consume yogurt, pomegranate, raw parsley and cucumber in between meals. In this way, you can eliminate the edema accumulated in the body during the day.
- Thanks to the lymphedema massage (Lymph Drainage Massage), you can insert the fluid that has escaped into the tissues into the lymphatic channels. By learning this massage and applying it regularly to the legs and feet, it will have an edema-reducing effect.
- If you add magnesium to your daily diet, you will see that you can reduce the rate of fluid accumulation in the tissues. Consult your doctor for the daily dose.
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