In recent years, adult orthodontics is an area of ​​great focus and interest when evaluated from the perspective of both physicians and patients.
According to another study conducted in 1999, there is a decrease in the number of adult patients who want to receive orthodontic treatment and biological or It has been reported that the number will not increase without new technological inventions. Adults, e.g. It constitutes a very small portion of the patients treated in the United States. However, this low rate does not mean that there is a decrease in adults' need for orthodontic treatment. According to a study conducted by Buttke and Proffit, it was observed that the frequency of malocclusions in adults is no less than that seen in children or adolescents, and is even equal and in some cases even higher. The most common problems in adults in America are crookedness and gaps between their teeth; Crowding is a problem encountered by 14% of men and 24% of women, and gap between teeth is a problem encountered by 13% of men and 8% of women. Despite their need for orthodontic treatment, adults often encounter tape, standard orthodontic treatment tools. They refuse to use brackets and wires. The reason for this is pain, fear of discomfort and aesthetic concerns due to orthodontic treatment. Additionally, adults are more disturbed by discoloration and bad odor problems due to orthodontic treatment. In addition, hygiene and periodontal health (gums and surrounding tissues) further complicate adult orthodontics. Adults are more prone to bone and attachment loss than adolescents. It should also be noted that; The majority of adult patients seeking orthodontic treatment are relapse cases. The degree of recurrence also depends on normal growth and aging after treatment. However, there is no definitive way to distinguish between normal age-related events and those due to relapse. Some patients with recurrence are reluctant to wear braces again. However, if the recurrence is very severe, fixed applications are the only option for treatment.
In the changing world order, adults have become more aware of the impact of their appearance on their professional and personal lives. This At this point the adult patient faces a dilemma; Will the patient use standard orthodontic mechanics, which are necessary for his own treatment but which he does not want to prefer aesthetically, or will he continue to live in a state that most aesthetically disturbs his environment and, above all, himself?
In this context, with the help of developing digital technologies, modern 'Invisalign', a new system that can be an alternative to traditional bands, brackets and arch wires, and is based on the philosophy of gradually treating anomalies with a long-term prediction by using a series of transparent, removable polymeric aligners, has begun to take a serious place within the theory of orthodontics.
Apart from the aesthetic advantages that largely save adult orthodontic patients from the above-mentioned dilemma, we can also talk about other advantages of this system; These include not hindering oral hygiene practices, being more comfortable in eating and drinking, and reducing the risks of decalcification, caries, gingivitis and other periodontal disorders. Another factor that can be mentioned as an advantage for the clinician and the patient is before the treatment has even started. It is to see and evaluate the situation at the end of the treatment. At this stage, the possible treatment considered can be changed or improved by approaching it from different visual perspectives. This visual treatment plan brings about a strong dialogue between the patient and the clinician. Patients can easily see and follow their personal treatment plan, the condition of their mouth structure, teeth at which stage of the treatment and their closure, thus giving them the opportunity to own their treatment procedures as much as the physician. They have it.


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