When Albert Einstein died in Princeton Hospital, USA, on April 18, 1955, his brain was removed and stored for examination. The fact that this great man's brain arouses such curiosity tells us how important this admirable genius is. Unfortunately, nothing different was found as a result of the research, but the reasons for the extraordinary intelligence he used throughout his life are still wondered. He was a talented musician, a philosopher, and an analytically minded scientist. In order to work quickly and efficiently, he took care to isolate himself and be in a mentally isolated environment. Although he had his first love at the age of 16 and got married, he was generally lonely. When the letters written by women who fell in love with him are examined, an extraordinary love is observed. Elsa is a woman who is head over heels in love with him and explains that Einstein sometimes stays at home for two weeks without speaking... While he was proposing to her, he said, 'I have to love someone, it is difficult otherwise. "That person is you," he said. When you think about it, this seems like a completely selfish desire to include her in her life, but Elsa is quite happy with her situation. When you examine the loves in the lives of geniuses such as Ludving van Beethoven, Charles Bukowski, Salvador Dalí, Virginia Woolf, Dante Alighieri, Pablo Picasso and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, you will see that they had lovers and stormy relationships with these 'not actually very handsome' people. .
So what is Elsa feeling? What was it that seduced and fascinated him so much? This is where 'Sapiosexuality', whose name was not used at that time, comes to the fore... The common feature of the women / men who fell in love with the mentioned geniuses was that they were sapiosexual. Of course, Einstein is one of the most extreme examples, but if we were to define it in general; We call people who find intelligence and intellectual knowledge attractive as sapiosexuals. The definition of attractiveness has constantly changed over the centuries on the axis of societies, economies and sociological developments. For example, the Karo people living in Ethiopia find women with scars on their bodies sexier. According to their belief; Women who have been injured are more resilient and can take better care of their children. The scars on the body are an indication of how strong the woman is and how resistant she is to diseases. Approximately two hundred years ago in Anatolia It is known that fat women are sexier, more preferred, and are even asked for their weight in gold to get married. So what happens now? The most attractive element now is not weight, height, jewelry or wounds... Between 920 and 1910, women in China were tying their feet tightly, with the belief that it would make them more attractive... The most attractive thing now is; intelligence and intellectual equipment.
Paints, powders, oils and lotions used throughout history to be more attractive; The more abstract concept of intelligence is also added. It is necessary to lift and tighten the bodies, to exercise for hours to become fit, to add libraries and vast knowledge to butt-lifting panties and supportive bras....
People need more than just making love these days. The body is no longer sufficient for making love and having an orgasm... Human beings need more. Many scientific studies show us that intelligence is genetic, and people pay attention to the intelligence level of the people they choose in order to raise healthier generations. The beliefs that overweight people are more fertile and injured people are stronger have now been replaced by science. And people have the knowledge that intelligence is the most important factor for their descendants to live more comfortably and comfortably.
In terms of gender roles, it is considered a precedent for both men and women to admire intelligence, but since being adorned and well-groomed is socioculturally associated with women, beauty in women is at least as sought-after as intelligence. But if you ask my personal opinion, although intelligence is a priority for both genders; Men need to be at least as attentive, well-groomed and stylish as women.
Relationships that start with just admiration for the body, without being able to talk or feeling understood; It remains as an excitement that fades away when the body is satisfied, and the relationship types we call 'fuckbody' and 'one night stand' emerge. Orgasm has a structure that is not yet fully understood, what we call sexuality is much more than what the body has... For this reason, intelligence and intellectual structure are gaining importance day by day. improve yourself Motivation, research and curiosity are becoming more important than how muscular your body is. Or being able to play an instrument or spending time reading books is more important than the paint applied to the face...
The concept of attractiveness has changed because women can now bring their bodies and skin to the level they want with minor operations and diets... What differentiates women? What makes them different is intelligence. Beauty alone is starting to become insufficient, because a beautiful nose, full lips, smooth skin requires a few plastic surgeries. Beautiful women who read, research and know are becoming more attractive day by day. As Iris Murdoch said in her book The Network; The only thing that makes a woman indispensable is her intelligence."
Changes in the roles of men and women also lead to differences in attractiveness. In terms of living standards, strong and working women can make men's lives easier and increase their comfort. Therefore, Women who sit at home and wait for their husbands to bring bread to the house are no longer attractive! You can become beautiful with your father's money, but being a charismatic woman is a different light.
Without needing husband's money, you can have intelligence, self-confidence, skill, intellectual structure and a special personality. It takes courage to be a charismatic woman.
A charismatic woman has a different light and attitude towards life; she knows what she wants (or doesn't want). She has taken good steps for her career, takes care of her body, and invests in her intelligence and intellectual structure. She is a woman who is knowledgeable and can have fun. Charismatic women have a wonderful self-confidence, stripped of ego. These women have a circle of influence that they create around themselves with their intelligence; His conversations, his looks, his hands and wrists, even his smiles can make you want to be with him for hours.
And the men next to these women are always proud of their women, admiring them increasingly day by day. Yes, some men choose weak women, but such men have no business being around smart and charismatic women.
These women know what they don't want and can never be with a man who is insecure. Choose men who will increase and increase the light and air they have. rler...
Considering that we have a male-dominated cultural structure, I can say that; Smart women have it a bit difficult. But adaptability is the most special indicator of intelligence; Those women are professional enough to let go of their men long enough to keep them and attract them back to them...
Making love with someone you can't talk to or share your life with will be very dull. Relationship quality; It determines a satisfied sexual life, an enjoyable shared social life, and reciprocated emotional expressions.
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