Why Do We Always Experience the Same Things?

Do you think that you constantly experience the same events and attract the same type of people into your life?

Since you have decided to click on this page and read this article, you have said this statement of rebellion at least once in your past;

''Why do all these things always find me?''

Finding the same type of partners all the time and having the same events happen to you all the time may mean something deeper for an adult.

We may experience the same cycles over and over again, with traumas and negative emotions that we have not been able to handle, or perhaps even unaware of yet. Everything in the past manifests into the future.

What we need to look at here is the common feeling of the repetitive events in our present and the correspondence of this feeling in our past.

To explain with an example, the fact that we have a partner who makes us feel worthless, and that all our partners from past to present have given us this feeling, is because we have mostly felt the feeling of worthlessness, first in our childhood and then in other age periods, but since we cannot handle it, we choose new people to handle it.

 Sometimes, people are so used to the opposite of the negative situation they are experiencing (for example, feeling valuable or whatever emotion you call it) that they are not used to feeling positive emotions and events. This is often the case with the cycles in their own families. Since what they don't know will create fear and uncertainty in them, it may seem safe to stay in the negative emotion they know. In summary, the hell we know is better than the heaven we don't know.

Another reason may be collective consciousness. People in your generation above you may have experienced the events you experienced, but they may not have been able to handle them, and they may have conveyed the feelings of these events to you. Most people prefer to relieve themselves by blaming their negative emotions and memories on someone else rather than working on them and dealing with them.

It is necessary to find repetitive emotions and find out where we first encountered these emotions and what is their source. Your emotion may be represented by an event, a person or a place in your past. Get support from a therapist and explore further here must.


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