When a healthy spine is viewed from behind, it is seen that the alignment of all vertebrae is in the same direction. However, an abnormal curvature to the right or left in this sequence for any reason is called “scoliosis (curvature of the spine)”.
Surgery is not the first option
A person diagnosed with scoliosis in adulthood He fears that the only option for treatment will be surgery and that he will have major surgery as soon as he is diagnosed. However, this is not the case. Only a very small percentage of scoliosis patients require surgery. Primarily, non-surgical methods are used in the treatment. In this way, it is possible to keep the symptoms under control in most patients.
In the treatment of adult scoliosis, various physical therapy methods are applied in the presence of a physical therapist in order to strengthen the spine and keep it in balance. At the same time, drug therapy is used to provide pain control. If necessary, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs can be added to the treatment to relieve irritation and inflammation in the facet joints or caused by nerve compression.
Surgery comes to the fore in people who do not respond to all these treatments and whose curvature continues or whose pain cannot be relieved.
Location and Size Do Not Determine the Symptoms to be Experienced
With aging, deterioration of the spine is also observed. . Curvature occurs in the weakened spine. While some people do not have any symptoms, some people have complaints such as leg pain, numbness in the legs, tingling or back pain, especially during walking.
These disorders in the spine can cause a spine to slide forward (spondylolisthesis) or backward (retrolisthesis) relative to the spine under it over time. These conditions may play a role as a factor that increases the patient's complaints and nerve compression. However, the symptoms differ for each patient. Therefore, in the treatment of scoliosis, a patient-specific treatment approach is determined by evaluating the patient's history and symptoms separately.
One of Two Forms of Scoliosis Can Be Seen in Adults
There are two main causes of scoliosis that occurs in adulthood. Beginning in childhood or adolescence and progressing Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type in adulthood. The underlying cause of adult idiopathic scoliosis is also unknown. It often progresses without any symptoms in the early period and cannot be diagnosed until adulthood. In some cases, as the curve progresses, it causes some symptoms to be seen in adulthood.
The second most common scoliosis type in adulthood is “adult degenerative scoliosis”. Degenerative scoliosis, which occurs as a result of the deterioration of the spine with aging, is mostly seen in the lumbar region.
Smoking Negative Effects on Treatment
Those who are treated for scoliosis in adulthood should pay attention to some issues individually. One of these is quitting smoking. While smoking is shown as a preventable cause of back and neck problems, it also reduces the chance of success in treatment by around 20 percent. By preventing blood circulation, smoking reduces the ability of the tissue to have nutritional difficulties and repair itself. In other words, rapid wear and biological aging are observed in the tissue. Thus, it becomes difficult to achieve the desired result in treatment.
No Obstacles to Exercise
Diagnosis of scoliosis in adults does not mean that the patient will limit his activities. On the contrary, it is possible to prevent or reduce symptoms with exercise programs to be carried out under the control of a specialist.
As exercise will strengthen the back muscles, it will help to increase the mobility of the person. However, weight control of overweight people with the help of exercise will also help reduce the symptoms of scoliosis.
If the patient has osteoporosis, which can cause adult scoliosis as well as increase scoliosis, treatment for it should also be done.
What are the Symptoms of Congenital Scoliosis?
- Side curvature
- Skin abnormalities on the back,
- Increased hair growth,
- Skin discoloration,
- Abnormally long arms or legs,
- Leg-body disproportion,
- Imbalance of balance,
- Back protrusions in forward bending
Adulthood How Is Scoliosis Treatment? It is important whether it does not occur, the degree of curvature, whether the curvature is progressive or not. Initial treatment methods are usually non-surgical treatment methods.
Exercises to increase conditioning, stabilization, strengthening and stretching exercises, accompanied by a physiotherapist, can relieve muscle spasm and reduce pain. Surgical treatment is recommended if patients have curvature, loss of urine, stool control or muscle weakness due to severe narrow canal or nerve pressure. How Can We Prevent Back Pain?
First of all, those who work at desks or computers should take precautions called office ergonomics. You should prefer comfortable chairs with a high back and fill your waist, and the computer screen should be brought to eye level.
- You should walk for five to ten minutes every 1.5-2 hours by getting up from the desk,
- Stress should be avoided,
- Excessive weight gain should be avoided.
- He should do sports and exercise regularly.
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