Sleep in Adolescence

“My child does not sleep at night and does not wake up in the morning.”

Growing children like to stay up late at night to listen to music, text, and watch TV series. This is a situation that is completely incompatible with waking up early. With adolescence, the age of listening to their parents and going to bed without objecting is over. They are at the age of determining their own bedtime, and parents must accept this freedom of their children.

“Leave children alone when they retire to their rooms from the age of 13-14. Give them about 1 hour to make sure the light is off and wish them good night. The advantage of these young ages is that sleep is still flexible. In this way, they can eliminate all their sleep deficiencies in one weekend, provided that they do not exceed the limits and are aware of their sleep needs.”

The issue of sleep varies from person to person. While some people wake up refreshed after a six-hour night's sleep, some people sleep nine hours but it is not enough. It is the child's job, not the parent's, to decide the extent of this need.


Some teenage children have difficulty falling asleep. This explains why they have trouble waking up. If your child is like this, you can recommend that he/she stop activities that will disturb his/her sleep, such as math homework, fast-paced music or video games, half an hour before turning off the lights. Instead of doing these, you can suggest that he read a book that will make it easier for him to fall asleep, listen to relaxing music, or have soothing dreams.


“Bedtime is also the time when we are alone with ourselves and the stress of the whole day comes to light. That's why it is useful to do activities that will relax ourselves during these hours.” Going to sleep can only occur at the end of the day when we stop thinking about things and relax. For this reason, activities before going to sleep are very important. If the things to do before going to sleep, which we can also call sleep rituals, are listed and performed every evening, it reminds us that we have transitioned into a process that prepares our body for sleep.


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