A season when the sun no longer warms you much, and the wind blowing and the frost calling you to bed. You don't feel like doing anything. Even if you sleep, sleep, sleep... At work, at school, on the road, unhappiness dominates your body. Even if you don't work, even if it snows or schools are closed. You are frequently distracted, along with increased forgetfulness. You eat more and your fatigue stays with you all day. It seems like it's easier to watch old season TV series at home instead of meeting with your relatives and friends, going out, or traveling. However, you had many activities that you enjoyed during the summer, but now nothing gives you enough pleasure.
- Or is seasonal depression knocking on your door?
Of course, there are many types and causes of depression. Seasonal depression, on the other hand, is a mood disorder experienced due to decreasing daylight, especially in the transition from autumn to winter, even though there is no situation that causes sadness or stress. It occurs at similar periods every year and significantly reduces the person's quality of life.
- So, what can we do to avoid being depressed or in a depressive state during this period?
First of all, we need to change our way of life. Because unless you get out of bed, the probability of experiencing a good event that day is zero.
It is necessary to take advantage of daylight, especially in the morning and noon. If you work and are in the office all day, this will be easier when you go to work in the morning.
Walking is one of the freest, most enjoyable, and most stress-relieving ways.
At least twice a week. - 1-hour walks for 3 days or a brisk walk for half an hour every day will be very good.
Regular sleep and healthy nutrition are important not only in these seasons but in every period.
It is necessary to consult your doctor. You can benefit from supplementary vitamins.
Smiling is contagious. It is especially transmitted to humans from themselves. Smiling in the mirror every morning, even when shaving or doing make-up, is better than starting the day unhappy.
Get a hobby. Producing increases self-confidence, it will be good for you.
Do plenty of activities and socialize. Even if you don't feel like it at the time, when you do an activity out of spite, when you meet your friends, when you go out. When you get out, maybe you will see that the pleasure you get is more than you expected before doing the action.
I wish you a pleasant autumn and winter season, away from depression.
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