It is a topic that is talked about so often; fat burning teas, 5-7 -10 blended teas etc. There is so much on offer. There are also those that are especially imposed on individuals.
I read an article recently. Actually, I chose this topic from him. There is also a quote from another place: "We bought the plants, poured them into glasses, drank them, but we didn't think it could harm us?" It said.
Herbal teas, which benefit the body when consumed in the right amounts, can have a poisonous effect and cause serious health problems when overdosed. Some components found in plants can interact with the active ingredients of drugs. In recent years, there has been such an increase in quantity and variety in herbalists and on market shelves.
Yes, plants have miraculous effects on our metabolism. Such as green tea, which fights cancer, contains high antioxidants, supports the immune system, balances our blood sugar and accelerates metabolism, echinacea and linden against colds, sage for throat infections, and rosehip rich in vitamin C.
Well, this is very promising. Do we know everything about mixtures or herbal teas? Herbal teas can have both benefits and harms. Before consuming these teas that we buy from herbalists in tea bags, we need to think about the diseases we have. Not every herbal tea available should be drunk.
To give a few examples;
People with hypertension should consume green tea carefully, especially if it is a part of their frequently recommended diet. Excessive consumption triggers distortion caused by caffeine. Daily consumption should not exceed 1-2 cups.
Thyme, one of the medicinal spices consumed frequently in daily life, has many benefits for urinary infections and digestive problems. However, it also has a blood pressure lowering effect.
Ginger, which is recommended for preventing nausea during pregnancy, should be consumed under expert supervision as excessive consumption may cause miscarriage. Safe dosage range should be learned.
Sinemaki is a plant known for its benefits against constipation, which is also frequently encountered under the name of slimming tea. According to the results of the research, it can cause permanent damage to the intestine when consumed more than 2-3 times a week. It can cause intestinal laziness in long-term use.
The curcumin contained in turmeric, which is frequently recommended for chemotherapy patients, prevents the formation of substances that cause cancer and inflammation. However, those with stones in the gallbladder should not use it.
Rosehip strengthens immunity with the vitamin C it contains. However, excessive consumption may cause allergic reactions such as itching.
Most importantly, we may not always drink the tea stated on the package. It is beneficial to consume it consciously and examine its components carefully.
Herbal teas have many benefits for the human body. It should not be neglected that there may be harms as well as benefits. Just as nutrition is personalized, the recommended supportive herbal teas should also be based on the individual's condition.
If you have a chronic disease, ignore what is offered without consulting an expert or learning about the ingredients that may interact with your medications. It is better not to jeopardize your health in order to lose weight and become better. There is no miracle mixture unless you switch to a healthy and balanced diet with supportive products. That's why herbal teas should not be consumed in cups. No herbal tea is a health or miracle on its own.
My favorite quote from the famous scientist Paracelsus; All substances are poison, the only difference between poison and medicine is the dose.
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