Although the human brain is an isolated organ within the skull, it is an important part of the body and parallels body health and development. For this reason, we can easily say that there is no method, drug or nutrient that will increase a child's brain development on its own, whether in the womb or after birth. Otherwise, we would encounter brain structures at very different levels of size and development in humans. However, in society, except for individual differences and exceptional cases, people's brain structures and development are generally similar. A healthy life, good care, adequate education, and increasing individual experiences, with the help of environmental factors, complete the child's brain development by increasing the person's knowledge and equipment. This determines the individual's status in society. Intelligence, on the other hand, can be significantly improved in different areas by being affected by the person's tendencies and expectations in relation to all these. So there is no single type of intelligence. For example, it is possible to talk about musical intelligence, mathematical intelligence or social intelligence and so on. However, it should not be forgotten that intelligence requires a healthy brain structure and development in order to manifest itself and emerge. In order for the brain to complete its own healthy development, it must be structurally, physiologically and functionally protected and well nourished, both literally and figuratively.
Structure of the Human Brain
The human brain is quite complex and sensitive in terms of its structure and physiology. Because it is the organ of our body that needs to be best protected. Although we have similarities with other mammals in terms of formation, the human brain makes us different from all other living things. This magnificent system (neurological system), which surrounds our entire body like a network, with the brain at the center, requires different stages of development and equipment. Although a mammal (for example, a baby gazelle) can stand up, suckle its mother, and walk very soon after birth, a human baby is born with an underdeveloped nervous system and is dependent on its parents. The main development of the brain and nervous system begins in the last two months before birth, and the most important maturation stages are completed after birth. Contributions of genetic structure and environmental factors As a result, nerve cells (neurons) in the brain strengthen their communication with new experiences and the brain gradually matures.
Brain Development of Babies
The baby's brain is a tube-shaped structure (neural tube) formed by the cells that proliferate after the fertilization of the mother's egg. 21-28. It begins to form after the day closes. Cells differentiate and become brain cells and grow and mature over time. During this period, "folic acid", a vitamin, plays a very important role. Brain structural anomalies called "neural tube defects" in the brain and nervous system of babies of mothers with folic acid deficiency, which cause the spinal cord to remain exposed or remain outside in a sac due to incomplete formation, spinal bones not forming or being formed (popularly expressed as an opening on the baby's back). abnormalities called "spina bifida" may occur. The baby cannot survive with some of these anomalies, and some may require emergency surgery. While the frequency of developing neural tube defects in newborns is 1/2000 in developed countries (e.g. the USA), in our country this rate is higher, such as 4-9/1000.
To prevent these diseases;
1 -Informing women of reproductive age about the relationship between folic acid and neural tube defects
2-Informing the public about nutritional habits
3-All expectant mothers of reproductive age should use a daily dose of folic acid
4-The 16th-20th week of all pregnancies. Evaluation of maternal serum alpha fetoprotein (AFP) levels and Ultrasound between weeks and weeks >Folic acid is from the group of B vitamins (Vitamin B9). Folic acid is abundant in green vegetables, lentils, spinach, walnuts, hazelnuts-peanuts, liver, egg yolk, dried beans, legumes and sunflower seeds. However, just taking these nutrients is not enough to reduce the risk of anomaly in the baby during pregnancy. It must be taken in medication form (600 mg per day). To get maximum benefit from folic acid, it should be started three months before pregnancy, not when pregnant. Since you cannot know for sure when you will get pregnant Anyone planning a pregnancy should start using folic acid from that moment on. Even if pregnancy does not occur, there is no harm in using it for a longer period of time.
The growth of the baby's brain parallels the growth of its head. Head circumference, which is an average of 35 cm at birth, grows rapidly in the first six months and then the growth rate gradually decreases. Children's head growth is compared according to standard growth curves created according to their age. If a child's head circumference is less than 3% of the standard for his age, it is called microcephaly. Diseases that impair brain growth and development are investigated in children with microcephaly. Apart from genetic factors, infections especially during pregnancy (TORCH group infections) can cause microcephaly. In cases where the head is 90% above these standard curves, macrocephaly is mentioned. This requires investigating diseases such as hydrocephalus, etc., which cause abnormal growth and pressure on the brain and its support structures. For these reasons, it is very important for a pregnant woman to be under the supervision of a doctor from the beginning to the end of her pregnancy, not only in case of problems, but also to find out whether the baby is growing to healthy sizes, in order to recognize conditions that may affect brain development. Likewise, today, some possible diseases can be treated and operations can be performed even before the baby is born, even while it is in the womb.
The contribution of a balanced diet in the mother to the brain development of her baby is absolutely undeniable. In our eating habits, it should be prioritized not to eat one-sidedly, to establish a good protein-carbohydrate-fat balance, to include vegetables and fruits, to drink well, and to give importance to variety rather than quantity. However, there is no publication showing that a single nutrient can increase brain development. It has been proven that deficiencies in some nutrients and minerals negatively affect brain development. The best examples of this are iron deficiency causing anemia, serious learning difficulties especially in girls, and vitamin B 12 deficiency causing memory and neurological problems. It is also useful to say that Omega 3 (DHA, fish oil) is beneficial in all age groups in cases of deficiency in the nutrition regime.
Educated girls become conscious mothers. Conscious mothers health It raises well-informed and intelligent children. The best thing a mother can do to develop her baby's brain and ensure that he or she becomes a healthy individual is to first take care of her own health and avoid situations and events that will be harmful to herself and her baby. This avoidance should start not only during pregnancy but also from the childhood of expectant mothers. To construct a building, a solid infrastructure (genetic factors), quality materials (good nutrition, minerals and vitamins), good workmanship (health checks and examinations), protective factors (vaccination and care) and a good working environment (environmental factors). must. To the extent that we can provide these to mothers, we can protect and improve the brain health of society.
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