Falls and Osteoporosis in Snow and Winter

Contrary to popular belief, fractures caused by falling as a result of slipping on snow in winter are less common than fractures seen in summer. Because people are more mobile and active in spring and summer. During the winter period, people leave their homes less frequently and are more domesticated.

During the winter period; Fractures of individuals over the age of 70-80 come first. 70% of fractures resulting from falls occur in people aged 75 and over. Naturally, serious falls and fractures can occur at any age.

It is necessary to take some precautions to avoid a fracture. Although fracture healing varies depending on the fractured area, it significantly reduces the comfort of life. Sometimes bed rest, sometimes wearing a cast, or even surgery may be required. The cost and results of prevention are always better than the cost and results of treatment.

The characteristic of winter is that the ground you step on is slippery and uneven, and therefore you fall easily and frequently. Because; The sole of the shoe must be anti-slip. Walking with your hands in your pockets to avoid getting cold means inviting yourself to fall. Balance is easily disrupted by walking with hands in pockets. Cold hands can be prevented by wearing gloves. The swing of the hands and arms next to the body is necessary to maintain balance. It is important to see the ground you step on when walking on slippery surfaces. It is dangerous to use a mobile phone while walking on slippery surfaces. If you use it frequently, headphones, Bluetooth, etc. It is recommended to use a connection.

For those who are old or have medical problems, having a cane or an umbrella in hand will help people around them pay attention and make walking more balanced. Safe roads should be chosen for the destination, walking in short steps and having an assistant with you if necessary. It would be better to limit going out in bad weather and ground conditions as much as possible.

Indoor falls are one of the most common problems we encounter. You can reduce falls and prevent possible fractures by taking some precautions against indoor falls.

First of all, you should stay away from items and clothing that could cause you to trip and fall or slip. Hard and angular materials should be avoided in the house. i. In indoor falls, falling in the bathroom and falling at night are the most common types of falls. Slippery floors should be avoided in the bathroom. The bathroom floor should be supported with anti-slip material. Holding supports should be installed in bathrooms and toilets. The light should be in a place where it can be easily turned on when getting out of bed at night, or an open light should be available.

Individuals with weak bone structure experience fractures more easily due to falls. Osteoporosis (bone loss) after a certain age. A common picture. In people with osteoporosis, the bone sometimes breaks spontaneously. Some precautions can be taken to avoid such a fracture.

The view that genetic structure, nutrition and physical activity in childhood are the main factors determining the health of the musculoskeletal system has gained importance in recent years. In every period of life; A healthy and balanced diet, physical activity, and adequate intake of Vitamin D and Calcium are necessary for the health of our bones.

From here, in childhood; The importance of a calcium-rich diet, exercise and a balanced and healthy diet becomes evident. If we want the bone-muscular system to be healthy throughout life, we should give importance to our children's nutrition and exercise.

In order to prevent their bones from breaking, for older people; Suggestions such as getting up or walking around should not be given. On the contrary, it should be known that the bones and muscles of older individuals work and the bones remain intact as long as they support the body. They should be allowed to maintain their mobility as long as they can. If necessary, help should be requested to achieve this mobility.

With aging, deteriorations in the brain's body control mechanism may occur. It should be considered that there may be an underlying neurological problem in individuals who fall frequently and easily. In such cases, medical treatment may be necessary.

The condition of the muscles and bones should be known, and if the comfort of life is not to be disrupted, what needs to be done to keep them intact should not be forgotten.

What you can do for this purpose:

  • Intake of adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D daily,
  • Intake of adequate amounts of protein and a balanced healthy diet,
  • Physical activity, walking, exercise.
  • The human body requires a certain amount of calcium per day at every age. It needs hope. If this need is not met through food, the daily calcium need is met by dissolving calcium deposits from the bones. If insufficient intake of calcium-rich foods such as milk-yoghurt, cheese and shellfish occurs continuously, it works as a mechanism that weakens the bones. If these foods cannot be consumed for various reasons, this need should be met with tablet-shaped medications.

    Similarly, it is necessary to take enough vitamin D daily to keep our bones healthy. Half an hour of sun exposure a day (arms and face should be open) usually meets the body's daily vitamin D needs. The sun affects a substance in the skin and converts it into active vitamin D-3 in the liver. It is recommended that those who cannot go out of the house and stay indoors take vitamin D supplements.

    It has been shown that physical activity at all ages positively affects the bone-muscle system. Physical activity both reduces the rate of falls by 10-50% and helps keep muscles and bones strong. It has been shown that a total of 4 hours of brisk walking per week has a 40% positive effect on preventing hip fractures, taking into account age and health status.

    The main building blocks of the muscular and skeletal system are proteins. If not enough protein is consumed, muscles weaken. Weak muscles lead to falls more easily. It leads to more fragile bone structure. Apart from these basic substances, it should not be forgotten that many vitamins and elements positively affect the muscle-bone structure with adequate and balanced nutrition.

    In order for your bones and muscles to remain healthy, sports appropriate to your age and health condition, balanced nutrition, calcium and vitamin D are sufficient. intake and adequate protein intake should not be forgotten.

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