What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Nowadays, obesity is increasing day by day. Obesity is among the chronic diseases, and when the results are examined in 2017, it is among the serious problems. Although it is chronic, it becomes a disease that occurs later and affects our entire life. Our way of eating and our lifestyle make us victims of obesity. The situation is no different in today's Turkey. It is aimed to fight against the diseases caused by obesity and obesity, and to eliminate them through diet, exercise, obesity treatments and gaining eating habits. In our country and all over the world, the number of overweight people called obese, who are at risk of being overweight, is increasing day by day. Preventing fast food intake, eating without paying attention to the protein values ​​of foods, and not providing information to individuals about foods make our future much more difficult and cause the number of orexigenic victims of obesity in the world population to increase. Losing weight in individuals with a body mass index (BMI) exceeding 30 causes serious social, psychological and health problems (diseases), especially obesity and orexigenic, due to weight. Being able to solve these problems and maintain weight loss makes obesity treatments a method that can be evaluated around the world. Obesity treatments cause even more serious problems for individuals who are in the obesity category (overweight). Obesity is defined as your body mass value being 40 and above. It is an operation in which approximately 75-80% of the organ is cut out with the help of laparoscopic devices and a camera system, and the remaining part of the stomach is stitched with the help of a material, leaving the organ in the form of a tube. Since your center of feeling hungry (hunger hormone) will be removed in obesity surgery, your feeling of hunger as before will disappear and you will be able to eat less due to the small size of your stomach. After the sleeve gastrectomy operation, obesity victims generally prevent the feeling of hunger by feeding with serum for 2 days. After obesity surgery, especially sleeve gastrectomy, the fundus section within the organ is also cut. Since the food is removed, the individual may stop feeling hungry, a feeling of fullness will occur, and they should prefer foods with high nutritional value as they will reach the feeling of satiety more easily (early satiety). In gastric surgery, approximately 75% of the digestive organ is removed, and by removing most of the fundus, the individual's appetite (the hunger hormone) is stopped. As the pancreatic volume decreases, it becomes easier to lose weight.

Who Can It Be Done and What Are the Conditions? Am I Suitable for Surgery?

For people who need sleeve gastrectomy surgery, they must first undergo serious examination and analysis processes. However, people who should consider obesity treatments should first have a (BMI/BMI/body mass) value over 40 (morbidly obese) or a BMI over 35 and suffering from insulin resistance, sugar (diabetes), sleep apnea, hypertension, snoring, It is performed on people who have co-morbidities such as extreme fatigue and cannot lose weight with exercise. Once the BMI value exceeds 30, the status is considered obese, and after it exceeds 25, the status is considered overweight. After your body mass (BMI) exceeds 35, losing weight becomes heavier and more difficult, depending on your body functions. Even if body mass values ​​are appropriate, blood tests (tests), chest x-ray, ECG (heart x-ray), respiratory function tests, endoscopic application must be completed and evaluated by endocrinology, cardiology and general surgeon. General health status is expected to be at a normal level. Checks are also made for lung-related risks, appendicitis disorders, previous treatments for appendicitis, effects of appendicitis surgery, deficiencies in the body, hypertension seen in patients, and blood medications that may be taken after treatment. Risks such as hypertension deficiency and mass disorders are higher for patients who are overweight. In patients with such diseases, the drugs used for treatment may cause post-surgery or similar complications. The concept of obesity is defined as excessive (morbid) obesity with a body mass over 30 and a risky level that can cause fatal problems as a result of the risks faced by individuals by causing a number of co-morbidities and thus significantly shortening life expectancy. Rum can be made. Obesity is also called risky fatal obesity when you examine the news. If you are faced with the restrictive effect of your living conditions due to obesity, research ways to get rid of obesity. Obesity surgeries are described as obesity treatment. Because of obesity, cardiovascular disease and heart rhythm (heart attack) are at risk. In addition, their lung respiratory functions do not develop sufficiently and they struggle with diseases such as asthma. Metabolic disorders such as sugar (diabetes), blood pressure (hypertension) and insulin resistance also occur with weight gain. Prospective waist and knee pain due to obesity and the resulting hernia problems. Pregnancy and organ fat due to excess weight (obesity) also bring serious problems. Which type of operation will be performed depends on the patient's evaluation.

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